Two Months To Surgery -- Questions????
OK, surgery is scheduled 8 weeks from now, on December 20th. I wasn't given a whole lot of pre-surgical information. I am scheduled to go on Dec. 3 for the PAT, at which time they give you dietary information, etc. The only thing I was told to do was to get my weight down from 432 to 410. I weighed 432 when I went for the initial consultation on May 28, and I weighed that this morning. I've tried various things, but nothing is really doing it for me -- I'm just not ambulatory enough, between breathing issues and arthritic problems. I've been trying high protein, low carb, but not much change yet. What other things, aside from the dieting thing mentioned above, should I be doing in the next two months? Guide me, guys, impart your collective wisdom upon me, please. I don't want to look like a hubbard squash (my avatar) anymore, next year at this time, I want to look a lot more like a zucchini -- long and straight with no bulge at the center.
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
Go luck...
OH Certified Support Group Leader
Pasadena Support Group 2nd Monday at 6:30pm
Katy Krew Support Group 4th Monday at 6:30pm
'This is my glock, There are many like it, but this one is MINE.' R Lee Ermey