Neal R.
on 10/18/07 5:45 am - Wylie, TX
Ok, from a guys perspective. Who has had a tummy tuck? I am going for a consult Novemeber 13th and hope to have it done in January. What is the recovery time like. Does a TT also include pulling up the excess pubic skin? I hear the women refer to it as the "mons" area, don't know if its the same for guys? I am axcited and nervous at the same time. My band surgery was a peice of cake and I know the pain factor will be much higher with this.
Banded May, 9, 2006 by Dr. Cribbens. Abdominoplaty on 02/11/08
TT pics:

Facebook: Neal Riggins (Wylie, Texas)
Twitter: @NealRiggins
(deactivated member)
on 10/18/07 8:36 am - Houston, TX
Hello My Texas Brother.... You are right, for me, the PS was more difficult then the WLS...I had the lbl....they had to go back in and touch up the mons....the touch up was a breeze...but on a body like mone, they could only do so much at one are young...depending on the kind of work you do i'd say 2-3 weeks out...the pain is not that bad, but there is pressure and tension with the muscle tightening.... shoot me and e-mail address,,,i got pics good luck Russ
Dx E
on 10/18/07 9:20 am - Northern, MS

Neal, I didn’t have a full “tummy-tuck,” Just a panniculectomy. My abdominal muscles had been rebuilt in a previous surgery And a Panni-Cut was all that was really needed. YES! The doc “pulled up” excess skin from the pubic bone And tightened it all up. He in fact said--- Most men want this, but few bring it up in discussion…. (my doc had just done the same procedure on 6 men in the last few months. That is also a rarity, in that most PS is performed on women.) The removal of the extra skin was great. I’m far more pleased with the results than I ever would have imagined. Hope all goes well at your consult. Don’t hold back ANY question….. Not “Bringing up” semi-embarrassing questions Seems to be a most typical “Guy Thing.” Have the Greatest! Best Wishes- Dx


Neal R.
on 10/19/07 6:33 am - Wylie, TX
Thanks Russ and DX. I think it will be great!, but nervous at the same time. I will be sure to post updates and results when it happens
Banded May, 9, 2006 by Dr. Cribbens. Abdominoplaty on 02/11/08
TT pics:

Facebook: Neal Riggins (Wylie, Texas)
Twitter: @NealRiggins
on 10/19/07 5:36 pm - Ewa Beach, HI
Hey Neal I just had my tummy tucked last month, my PS did pull up some pubic skin, I think if I hadnt mentioned it to him he would have not done anything. As far as pain, from what people say and from what I read, then to actually having it done id have to say it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. Recovery, I took off of work for 4 weeks, and im at the point where all the incisions has healed but I am still swollen and feel very tight. I have pics in profile if youd like to see. Take care and keep us posted   =)









 323/170/175  I'm @ GOAL!!! Wooohooo  =)

Since my Tummy Tuck im now under my goal ???

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Neal R.
on 11/15/07 8:33 am, edited 11/16/07 2:02 am - Wylie, TX
Thanks guys. Just an update. I had my consultation yesterday and it went great. I have secured financing, but she said insurance might cover because I had sugnificant seperation of my muscles. 5 cm I beleive she said, she put 3 fingers between the muscles. She said that was enough that insuarnce mught cover, certainly no guarantee, but at least she sounded positive. I won't be dissappointed if they deny since my parents have volunteered to pay for it. It would be nice to save them money, though, if I can get insurance to foot the bill. Looks like it will happen in February. My wife wants to take off a week to help me out and being a corporate accountant, that is the first time she will have the opportunity to take off with year end stuff coming up. I am ok with that since it will give the insurance plenty of time to respond too. Anyway, looks this is finally going to happen. I am nervous and excited at the same time Edit: I am on the books for February 11th
Banded May, 9, 2006 by Dr. Cribbens. Abdominoplaty on 02/11/08
TT pics:

Facebook: Neal Riggins (Wylie, Texas)
Twitter: @NealRiggins
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