It's a tool...not a cure
I've been strongly reminded this week that WLS is simply a tool that helps us work towards a better and healthier life. It is not a cure-all for life's problems. I have been very ill this week with one of the nastiest respiratory bugs I've ever had. This is the first real "illness" I have had since my surgery back in February and let me tell you......Yeah!....We still get sick! I have realized that it is very important to expectorate anything that the body is trying to rid itself of. In other words.....SPIT BABY SPIT!!!! The sinus drainage that has managed to make its way to my pouch has not been very satisfying in any way at all. Yuck! Also, I have been given a strong reminder that even though I am in much better health and much more capable of enjoying life now, there are still struggles that really don't have anything to do with being MO. For example, my car took a total dump on me last night and is sitting in the shop waiting to find out how many hundreds that I don't have it will take to get back on the road. The good news about that situation is that rather than call around hunting down someone to give me a ride here there and yonder.....I've realized that the few places I truly neeed to go are all within WALKING distance. This time last year, I would not have walked to the repair shop I use and they are literally across the street from me in the same block. So.....Just whining a little bit this monrning. Pity party is over now. Just wanted to remind myself and anyone who may need it that losing weight does not mean the end of life's little troubles. It just provides us with more options on how to deal with them. Hope everyone is up and about today enjoying this wonderful time of year!
Being a loser is the greatest victory you will ever know!

Great words to the wise... I have learned the hard was to SPIT!!!! I had a flem (sp??) issue and was couphing up some nasty stuff!!! Musinex works wonders

As you said and I agree - this is only a tool. When used properly, the results can change the rest of you life!!!
Get better and call if you need anything.
OH Certified Support Group Leader
Pasadena Support Group 2nd Monday at 6:30pm
Katy Krew Support Group 4th Monday at 6:30pm
'This is my glock, There are many like it, but this one is MINE.' R Lee Ermey