Hurt exercising
I am really trying to exercise. I guess I have to be more careful because on monday in the gym, I thought I would try a little running on the treadmill. I did ok, I walked a mile at 4MPH, and then I stepped it up to 6MPH, and a slow jog for 1/4 mile. I felt fine afterward. I did some stretches, and left. When I woke up the next morning I had a tightness in my groin area. By the time I got off work, I could hardly walk. Today I had to take the day off because I was in such pain. Thankfully, It is feeling better, and I can walk on it now.
I finally figured out how to get an avatar in so yall can see what I look like.
Kevin Hodges
I can relate to that. My son took me to his gym so I could try all the different machines and see which ones I could tolerate (because I have such bad knees I knew I would have trouble with a lot of the machines.
So we went to the gym and I thought I was taking it easy. It didn't hurt. I think we stayed for about 2 hours. But I guess I forgot I hadn't done any exercises in years. When I woke up the next moring I thought I was crippled. Every part of me hurt, even my hair (lol).
It took several days for the pain to subside. Boy was that an eye opener!

Yowsers......the whole two-sides to every coin situation.
SIde one - NO PAIN, NO GAIN!!! WORK IT, BABY!!!!!
SIde two - Pain is the body's alarm system. Shut it down!!!
Sounds like you recovered well and likely didn't do any major damage. Back it off a little and keep working towards that new and improved Kevin. As long as any pain/burning/discomfort comes AFTER the workout and is easily relieved by rest then likely no worry. ANY time you feel sudden or intense pain during the workout, immediately stop what you are doing and call it a day. If ths type of pain does not resolve within a couple of hours it needs to get checked. And of course, if you develop sudden chest pain or shortness of breath that does not resolve within two minutes of ceasing your activity - seriously - call 911, make friends with your local EMS, and go get checked by one of those MD types in your local ER.
It's good to finally have a face to put with the name. Good luck with your continued success.

Being a loser is the greatest victory you will ever know!
Being a loser is the greatest victory you will ever know!

Well don't lift your leg-let the dogs do that. and don't do the twist thing- the mashed potato works just fine. I feel the pain. I have not had much success exercising beyond working out my fingers on the keyboard. I tried walking and somehow messed up my Achillies Tendon so that put me off for awhile. Recently I was working out at The hospital gym to build some muscle that had disappeared along with fat during weight loss. Like you I felt fine but the next morning my shoulder was killing me. Was hell sleeping on that one side WHEN I was able to find a less painful position. And it felt only moderately better sleeping on the other side. It's been about 5 weeks and it's finally starting to get better. I stopped doing the crossword as I figured I'd better not exercise my brain or, with the way things have been going, I would likely wind up dumb or dumber. Jer