Obesity is 'deadlier than smoking'
Interesting read: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/health/health main.html?in_article_id=488004&in_page_id=1774&ct=5 Excerpts: Obesity is more dangerous than smoking and will dramatically shorten the lives of millions, a landmark study has found. While smoking reduces life by an average of ten years, the research says being seriously overweight can cut life expectancy by as much as 13 years. Indeed, it is becoming inevitable for most because our biological instincts combined with our modern environment mean we are "destined" to pile on the pounds. Lead author Professor David King, the Government's chief scientific adviser, said: "We must fight the notion that the current obesity epidemic arises from individual over-indulgence or laziness alone. "We live in a consumer society which encourages us to eat. We have a sedentary lifestyle. It's an environment which means that if we just behave normally we will become obese. "We may only put on a bit of weight a day but there are 365 days in the year." But it sounds like they have the socialistic approach to handling the problem: The report says the availability of unhealthy food and drink should be controlled, perhaps by restricting advertising or certain ingredients in foods such as trans fats. Taxing twinkies is soon to come....