Obesity Map of the US
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!

Notice that My State leads the way on the other end from Colorado? I’m in the fattest portion of the fattest state in the fattest nation on the planet. I will go out on a limb to guess that it’s also the fattest planet in the galaxy. No wonder my hospital here Has a Bariatric Wing! Thanks for the link! Best Wishes- Dx
Great stuff. More info fFrom the same study -
Top 10 fittest cities
1. Albuquerque, New Mexico
2. Seattle, Washington
3. Colorado Springs, Colorado
4. Minneapolis, Minnesota
5. Tucson, Arizona
6. Denver, Colorado
7. San Francisco, California
8. Baltimore, Maryland
9. Portland, Oregon
10. Honolulu, Hawaii
Top 10 fattest cities
1. Las Vegas, Nevada
2. San Antonio, Texas
3. Miami, Florida
4. Mesa, Arizona
5. Los Angeles, California
6. Houston, Texas
7. Dallas, Texas
8. El Paso, Texas
9. Detroit, Michigan
10. San Jose, California
Looks like we gots to watch out for those buffets, bbq and mexican food.