Will my penis look bigger...
Having the sleeve and a few simple questions for the guys,
1. Will my penis look bigger, seriously ive got a bit of padding in that area, just wondering if others have noticed changes in that area?
2. Sex.. sometimes its difficult being a big guy.. hav you found this gets easier or improves after?
3. Skin.. im expecting to have a bit of left over skin, im currently 150 kg, i dont want to be too small, maybe 100/110 kg. im 32, has anyone had issues with lots of left over skin?
4. Food.. Can you guys still eat. do you miss food? i.b a big chicken and salad eater and bread and pasta.rice, can you guys still eat those foods. ad ca you still consume any alcohol?
5 Strength.. i'm a big guy,im strong, did you lose any of that strength?
6. Age/hair.. did you look older the smaller you got? how about hair, did you loose any ?
Hey !
Great questions.
Maybe some answers….
1. Will my penis look bigger, seriously ive got a bit of padding in that area, just wondering if others have noticed changes in that area?
Yes. On average, you can expect about 1.5 centimeters of noticeable gain for every 20 kg of weight lost.
2. Sex.. sometimes its difficult being a big guy.. hav you found this gets easier or improves after?
Yes. Increased stamina, ability, etc, etc….
3. Skin.. im expecting to have a bit of left over skin, im currently 150 kg, i dont want to be too small, maybe 100/110 kg. im 32, has anyone had issues with lots of left over skin?
This varies greatly depending on the person. I had no excess skin on chest, thighs, etc… just a little right at my waist. I had it removed having plastic surgery. Evry “Plastic Surgery for Men” bit of info I have (or most) is at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/men/board_id,5479/cat_id,5079/topic_id,3400703/a,messageboard/action,replies/#26462762
4. Food.. Can you guys still eat. do you miss food? i.b a big chicken and salad eater and bread and pasta.rice, can you guys still eat those foods. ad ca you still consume any alcohol?
I eat like a normal person who has never had a weight problem now. I had the RNY, so I can’t tolerate sugar, but everything else is Great. I don’t eat much Bread, pasta, and rice, but then again, that’s what made me fat to begin with. I eat far better now and I’m full on much less. Quality over Quantity! An occasional glass of wine, or a scotch after dinner.
5 Strength.. i'm a big guy,im strong, did you lose any of that strength?
I lost some, but was able to run a 5K since surgery, something I could never have done prior. For strength?
Check with some of these guys-
CF Dave-n-Japan 6. Age/hair.. did you look older the smaller you got? how about hair, did you loose any ? I ended up looking about 10 years younger. I’m 50. I feel about 25 years younger. Never had any hair loss. Many do, but it grows back. That seems to be a far bigger issue for the gals. I’m over 4 years post-op. I’ve been at a normal range BMI for over 3 years now. Keep those questions, and thoughts coming! Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
Been pretty busy, but in response to Dx's reference, strength can actually increase, if you get your protein and other nutrition in while doing resistance training. I've never been inclined toward injury, so proceed with caution but I kept mine by regularly deadlifting first, my MO weight, then pretty far over my MO weight. So, I'm much stronger now and I'm assuming my bone mass must have stayed the same (all I do is lift heavy things and sprint, constant shock and pull on the skeleton).
Oh and yeah, same size unit on the background of a 31 waist and no fat will look impressive.
Best Wishes,
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!

Thanks alot for all the replies.. Some really positive things there..
For the guys that had lots of excess skin, and decided to get it cut off, how did it go? was it a major op? was teh recovery very long? many/any decent scars?
Also Contact Sports.. Can you guys play them after the op, and if so how long did you have to wait..
If some of you are at your goal weight, do you think you lost more than you thought you would, im 150kg ( i think 330/350 lbs ) and about 6' 2". Im very solid ( at least i like to think i am with lots of muscle making up alot of the weight

Thanks guys..