What gives you dumping syndrome?
What gives you dumping syndrome? For me, I have had a really bad problem with potatoes. No matter how they are cooked. After I eat some, I will get the hic-ups, and they will progressively get worse until I puke. So, i decided that I wouldnt eat any potatoes for a while. Now, last night, I had some steamed carrots for the first time, and they made me DUMP. I am not going to try them again. They are omited from my diet. I havend had this problem with any other foods. Kevin Hodges
I have a bit of a "hair-trigger" with sugars.
4gms in an hour is my limit.
If I eat something with 5 gms?
Quick bout of severe diarrhea (as if food poisoning)
and a little shaky / dehydrated 15 minutes or so,
Then back to normal.
I even have gotten good not to accidentally go over my limit
When foods combine.
A couple of grams of natural sugar in a bite of sweet potato
Mixed with a few from some Steak Sauce, and a touch in some salad dressing
And I’m off to the Toilet.
Fortunately, it’s a fairly easy thing to learn from.
I’ve had it easy since my limit is so low, very strict and well defined.
I’ve only had an “issue” about once or twice a year
Over the last couple of years.
Easy to avoid- “Don’t Eat Sugar.” “Read the Labels.”
Some say it’s fats for them.
No such problem. I can eat fairly high fat content with no problem.
I do eat a lot of mono-unsaturated fats…Olive Oil. Canola, etc…
The upside has been super cholesterol levels.
Thank heaven’s I absorb those “Good Fats”
And essential fatty acids. I’ve had very rare occasion of
”Late Stage Dumping” where I get really sleepy
And that has usually been from eating Higher-Glycemic Carbs,
Like noodles or crackers.
As a result? I don’t eat noodles and crackers! J
The mental connection of “Sugar=The screaming poops!”
Has been great at killing any desire for sweets.
I rarely even want to have “Fake-Sweet” stuff…
The “Sweet Taste” has lost it’s appeal for me.
Perhaps the biggest change in how I eat now
As opposed to before my surgery.
A 3 Snickers a Day Man! And I mean those Big-uns!
And, I was always hungry before my surgery….Always!
Now? A normal-sized portion is very filling and satisfying.
For me? As long as sugar doesn’t sneak into my food,
Dumping is a non-issue.
Best Wishes-
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable