Shaky/Trembling in the morning
I am 8 months out from RNY and for the last month or so I get a mild case of the shakes in the a.m. My hands tremble and my knees are week. I take my vitamins and get plenty of protein and water. Could this be a vitamin deficiency? Is low blood sugar very often a problem? Dehydration?
Any advice would be appreciated - at times it is difficult to write (and my penmanship already sucked!)
Hi David
I have the same problem and some times it wakes me up at night. I have diabetes type II but take no more meds for it, but when this happens, my sugars are way to low. To fix it, I eat some sweets and in about an hour, I an back to normal (what ever that is?). You might want to get checked out for diabetes?
I have the same problem and some times it wakes me up at night. I have diabetes type II but take no more meds for it, but when this happens, my sugars are way to low. To fix it, I eat some sweets and in about an hour, I an back to normal (what ever that is?). You might want to get checked out for diabetes?
10/31/06 Roux-Y Gastric Bypass
Heaviest Weight: 325, Now 158
Diabetes, type 2, Now Gone
High Blood pressure, Now Gone
High Cholesterol, Now Gone
Sleep Apnea, Now Gone
Sounds like the other guys have touched on my suggestions. What you might try is take your blood pressure before bed time and when you get up. Your blood pressure will normally be lowest in the morning, also dehydration can make it low. If it checks out then I would try eating something before bed time, to see if that would help keep your blood sugar from dropping at night. Of course go see a doc. pan head