Tuesday coffee talk
Good Tuesday morning eveyrone. Time to rise and shine. Today is going to be an awesome day.
Our challenge today is to realize that we are people of strength. Strength you might ask? Yes! Strength! You are not a weakling! You are a strong person. It's time to realize that. It's time to let the inner strength you have inside of you to rise up and for you to USE THAT STRENGTH! Use the strong man inside of you! A weak person is always beat up, left feeling defeated, left bruised, left hurt and left wouded. THAT IS NOT YOU! You are strong. You have inner strength that you never knew you had. Now you do! LET IT RISE UP WITHIN YOU and USE IT! Go out today with a new look at you. A person with inner muscles that bulge and can lift anything! YOU ARE A PERSON OF STRENGTH!
So, who's up this morning? What are you sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some good old plain Maxwell House bold flavor. I love the flavored coffee, but every now and then, the plain old stuff hits the spot.
Have a wonderful and blessed Tuesday as you USE YOUR INNER STRENGTH!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"