Back up food supply in your car??
Hey Brian, I keep a bag in my car with all my beach stuff since I never know when the urge hits me to hit the beach. I keep a jar of peanut butter in it. It really hits the spot when I need something to eat. Of course I probably look a little odd sitting on the beach eating a jar of peanut butter, but who cares??
Beef jerky?
The type of Beef Jerky I buy is actual strips of dried meat. Like two grown men couldnt pull a piece apart. I had sort of given up the idea that I would ever be able to eat it again after my WLS.
Do you have to chew it into oblivion before swallowing? I have a feeling the type of beef jerky being eaten is some of the stuff you get at the store, which is quite different than what am addicted to.

Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
Hey Troy,
I just wanted to jump on this Hi-Jack for the fun of it.
Believe it or not, beef jerky is one of those perfect foods for us post RNY type folks. Now, don't plan on eating any the week you come home, but in time my friend.....oh yes.
Beef jerky was actually designed to be eaten in a way that fits into our mantra.....A little goes a LOOOOONG way. If you place a small piece of jerky tween your cheek and gum and wait til it turns pretty darn soft and mushy before you start to chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew it, you will find that you get a lot of satisfaction and a wonderful flavor experience that you likely haven't experienced before. In the "Old West", cowboys would do this to keep their mouths salivating and moist, thus staving off some thirst, thus making water rations last longer. Also, the same oral satisfactions are applied when people are encourage to use beef jerky as a smoking/smokeless tobacco cessation aid.
Pretty impressive for a little hunk of dried meat!
Being a loser is the greatest victory you will ever know!