5K Race Report
Great job Dan! It is a great feeling when you get under 30 for the first time. Must have been a big weekend for 5ks. I ran on Saturday (only 400 people) but finished in 26:55 ( a personal best).
There is a 10k at Camden (the AmeriHealth Over the Bridge Challenge) on Sunday Nov. 4th. I'm planning on running it. It will be my first 10k.
Keep trucking!
Way to go Dan. You are looking quite stealth too!
If you got hyped by the 5K,...you are going to love the 10K, just don't forget its OK to wal****assionally, just walk to keep your time good and not the crumble-to-a-halt some folks get too because they kill themselves starting out too fast or aren't use to the distance etc. etc. and kill their time.
My HIIT training really opened my eyes. I was trying to just go from walking to jogging as far as I could and the distance and wind increase wasn't improving very fast. Once I started doing laps were I walked a lap to warmup, then jogged the front straight, walked the curve, ran the back straight (100 yds) and walked the curve for multiples laps (started at 5 times, now up to 15), it increased my distance and breathing. I guess its kinda like NASCAR races; hard charging burns out the tires as opposed to finding a groove and pace maybe a little slower but you can maintain longer.
Another training tip I benefitted from was to breth in through your mouth and out through your nose to control your oxygen intake and explusion. It allows you to get more oxygen into your lungs and blood and takes longer before you get that pain in your side.
During the run, if you get really winded,...slow to a brisk wal****il you get your breath back or composure then go back to your jog. I started with jog 10 mins, walk 3. Last Saturdays 10K, I jogged 30 minutes (3.5 miles), walked 5, jogged 20, walked 5, jogged to finish and got a 1:07. Sooo close to jogging the whole thing.
Back in March 07 at my first 10K, The best I could do was to walk the first mile, jog 2nd, walk 3rd and 4th, jogged 5th and 6th, 52 minutes the first 3 miles and 43 minutes the 2nd 3 miles for a total time of 1:38. So the IIT really helped me improve,...along with the inspiration from the athletes out here on the site,...AJ, Scott, Headparrot, Boner, notDave, CBlob, etc, etc,
Go get'em tiger. Don't forget to post your results and experience.
Good job! Those big races are fun, but it gets frustrating not being able to break out and run. Sorta like walking at the mall when those damn shoppers get in your way. LOL
Your account of your race brings back good memories and maybe I'll get off my butt and start doing something again. Haven't run at all in a couple months.....back to being a couch potato. As you can tell, I haven't even visited the room much, not even to lurk. Thanks for the kick.
Floyd! I was thinking about you on Sunday man. Glad to have you back and about. Nice anology on the shoppers at the mall. Definitely what it felt like. I feel kinda bad about knocking that 12 year old to the ground, but dammit she was in my way! (Just kidding for those of you offended by the above. She was easily 14).

Kick Ass, Dan!

Under 30... Very nice!
The "fishing" always makes it more fun.
I ran the Komen 5K in Jersey this weekend, as well, and experienced that same "shuffle" start with the crush of people!
And of course, I wrote a report of my own!:
And, Damn... all the hours and hours of cross-training that I do, and I only had you by a little more than a minute... Good job, bro.
Now, on to bigger & better things... Oly distance comin' up quick!
I would seriously advise a few 10k's and maybe a Sprint tri or two before hand. But, that's a discussion for another day.
Congrats again, my friend!
Be Well,

Under 30... Very nice!
The "fishing" always makes it more fun.
I ran the Komen 5K in Jersey this weekend, as well, and experienced that same "shuffle" start with the crush of people!
And of course, I wrote a report of my own!:
And, Damn... all the hours and hours of cross-training that I do, and I only had you by a little more than a minute... Good job, bro.
Now, on to bigger & better things... Oly distance comin' up quick!
I would seriously advise a few 10k's and maybe a Sprint tri or two before hand. But, that's a discussion for another day.
Congrats again, my friend!
Be Well,