2nd 10K

on 10/13/07 12:30 pm - Colonial Heights, VA
Ran my second 10K.   I ran my first 10K in March 2007 in 1:38. Today I ran it in 1:07,..so 31 minutes faster.  I am pretty happy about that but man,....I came in 241 of 310 that started the run and 276 finishers, 16th of 18 age 50-59.  Pretty sad overall.   I ran a 5K in Radford VA the weekend before and finished it in 27 minutes, but there mostly serious runners there.  I finshed 27th of 30 but because of my 27 minute 5K,  I had hoped to finish closer to 1 hour at the 10K today.  There were 2 uphills, one slow incline at the 2.6 mile point and one that was brutal at the 3.5 mile mark.  But I felt descent afterwards and recovered pretty quickly. I have an 8K in Nov at the Suntrust 26 mi marathon in Richmond.  I also have a personal goal to be under 60 minutes in April 08 at the anniversary of my first 10K (UKROPS Monument Ave 10K in Richmond).  Guess I get to keep practicing if I want to get faster. 
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
Dx E
on 10/13/07 12:50 pm - Northern, MS
Big Congratulations!! 5K was / is my max. Around 4 miles, my body (and probably mostly my psyche) Says- "That's it! You do what you want, but puking will be involved if you go another yard!" Don't Stop! After taking a break from my running when I had my PS I've never gotten back to enjoying it. I was up to around 25 miles a month pretty regular. Now?  a 2 to 3 miles a week, maybe.... I still get in my walking, But the running just seems a chore now. I think the "New-ness" of something I'd never done with ease In my whole life, gave me a thrill. Now?  Not so much... I hope to get back to it.... I've tried several "Big Pushes" to get back in the habit, But none have been successful ... YET. Keep up the awesome work! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 10/16/07 1:27 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Thanks Dx. I appreciate the support.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
Scott William
on 10/14/07 4:38 am
What a remarkable improvemant.  Keep working at it and it will be no problem to break an hour.  I have only run one 10K and that was at disney.  They only seem to offer 5K's around me.  That is fine with me.  I would like to run another so I could get a PR.   I just took a week off to rest.  I was feeling a little fatigue.  I ran an alumni 5K yesterday at Central Connecitcut.  I had a great time there.  The running time was so so.   Keep working at it. Scott

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 10/16/07 1:32 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Maybe my expectations are too high.  I was a bit crushed I didn't get 60 minutes or less this time but the hill that didn't look that steep driving the course really kicked my butt!  But even still I walked way less than I had trained. It is good that I have an 8K  Nov 10 cause I am fighting to get motiviated again and the encouraging responses have been really helpful.  Thanks for the support and example.  I still use your checklist of what to take to a race and training runs,...including the shorts.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
Beam me up Scottie
on 10/14/07 6:46 am
Hey Joe you did better then I could have...I can't run for crap. congratulations!!!!!! Scott
on 10/16/07 1:35 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Thanks for the kudos. More than anything, the walking that led to the joggin have really helped my minimize the loose skin and tone up.  It just kinda snowballed form getting caught up in the enthusiam form the guys on the site that run, etc.  It is pretty envigorating to get out there and pass a few folks during the race.  Heck, pass anybody rather than passing out.  Who am I kidding?
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
Troy A.
on 10/14/07 10:05 am - Fort Worth, TX

Grats on the improvement Joe.

I was never a runner even when I was 20 and 160. However you sure have me thinking about working on a 5k as a goal one day. Troy

on 10/16/07 1:36 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Thanks MTroy.  Get that whole great looking family out there and walk one together,...that would be a fun start.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 10/14/07 3:37 pm - Japan

Congrats, Joe! Near 30% is a huge improvement. Keep on keepin' on!


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