Too much of a good thing
Any anti-depressants? Prozac and other such Serotonin re-uptake inhibitors Are notorious for turning what should be a 30 minute "One-Act" Into a 5 hour Wagnerian Opera. If no Anti-depressants or Anti-Anxiety meds in the mix, Perhaps weight-loss related natural increase in Serotonin? Dunno…. No such issue here. Interested to see if this is more common, Just not commonly reported… Best Wishes- Dx
Hey Ard,
Don't have much on the topic, but did read recently in the Natural Hormonal Enhancement Diet book(hormones, primarily being glucagon and insulin, which affect all of the others) that sex is not a good barometer of anything, simply because it can be positively or negatively affected by so many psychological -OR- physical factors. Hormones can affect it, carb intake can affect it, sleep, exercise, you name it.
Not Sure if this Helps, but Thought I'd Toss it Up Anyway,