
Really bad farts - when will they stop?

Rick G.
on 10/11/07 1:47 pm
Hey guys, short of sewing a large can of Lysol spray to my ass, any suggestions or experience about when those nasty, disgusting farts will finally stop? How to get rid of them?   I've got travel plans at the end of the month, about a 20-hour plane ride and I know the airline will probably set the plane down somewhere thinking there's a hazmat release or one of the toilets over flowed! I'm wondering if it's the fat free milk in my coffee?  Cheese?  Other than the farts (friggin house stinks - dog runs away  - so I can't blame him anymore - I taken to walking around with a bottle of Febreeze all the time) life has never been better - down 90 pounds, workout 5-6 times a week - great sex - but.... So, any help or suggestions for some relief would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks.
Kevin Hodges
on 10/11/07 2:01 pm - Lapeer, MI
Hey, sorry dude.  I can't help you.  My **** don't stink..LOL
(deactivated member)
on 10/11/07 2:24 pm - Houston, TX
Hello Rick.... mine are nasty too...if they are bad now....do not ea****ermellon....jeeeezuuuus... see what you are putting in yo that couls cause it...start eleminating stuff....no pun intended... or maybe try http://www.devrom.com/ I don;t kow if it works Russ
Sean N.
on 10/11/07 10:10 pm - TX
Rick -

Best I can say - NEVER

I have changed diet's, intake, etc.....

Now, dont get me wrong, its not all the time. It has gotten to where 1-2 times a week the shiznit and farts smeel like death. Other than that it's 'normal'.

Sean 422/383/244
OH Certified Support Group Leader
Pasadena Support Group 2nd Monday at 6:30pm
Katy Krew Support Group 4th Monday at 6:30pm

'This is my glock, There are many like it, but this one is MINE.'  R Lee Ermey
Rick G.
on 10/11/07 10:39 pm

Thanks guys, appreciate it very much.  I'm headed to the drug store and buying some of that Devrom - the write up on it looks pretty good.  I'm going to experiement with dropping foods, intake, etc., but again - when I compare it to where I was a year ago, health-wise - I'm so much better off having had the surgery.


(deactivated member)
on 10/11/07 11:48 pm - MN
Almost 14 months out from lap band and still have the worst case of gas I have ever had in my life.  They don't stink SO bad, but they are loud!
Richard S.
on 10/12/07 1:21 am - Forsyth, IL
Over two years out and they still kill fleas. We once very nearly called the fire department because it smelled like a (natural) gas leak. Then we reallized it was coming from the bathroom.  My suggestion is to avoid eggs and other high sulfer foods, onions, garlic and other aromatic spices. Maybe take beano with every meal?  Good luck. Rich Smith
Dx E
on 10/12/07 10:40 pm - Northern, MS
Gas and odor issues are quite common among "ByPassers." Here are some facts and some ways of dealing with them. Can be "leftover excess protein," but most often The issue is carbohydrates that are incompletely digested By your bypassed guts, And end up in the colon undigested and therefore Are digested by bacteria in your large intestine, Which turn it into large volumes of often-smelly gas. These are some ways to deal with it: -- Identify which foods are your particular problem. For most, white bread and pasta, and ESPECIALLY Pasta that has been cooked and then chilled (chilling turns the hydrated starch into a particularly indigestible form) Are the worst, and the main thing you can do is avoid these "fart-ogenic" foods. Fresh pasta is much less "gas producing" than dried, Frozen, chilled, etc. -- Certain vegetables can be problematic. Typically, broccoli and other crucifers, Eggplant, onions in significant quantities, especially raw onions and beans. Beans can sometimes be managed by putting Beano on them – Beans contain a carbohydrate called raffinose Which is completely indigestible to humans, But the Beano contains an enzyme that digests it. They claim it helps with other carbohydrates too. Beans are famous for their wind-inducing properties. However, they are less likely to lead to flatulence If they are soaked overnight Along with a couple of tablespoons of vinegar. (Yes, cooking geek!) They should be then be drained and rinsed Before cooking in fresh water. -- Many adults become lactose intolerant As they get older, and the undigested lactose Causes gas and diarrhea. Lactaid milk or lactase as the enzyme Added to dairy products can help. Note that yogurt and many cheeses (particularly hard cheeses) Shouldn't cause a problem because The fermentation process metabolizes the lactose. If you decide to eat "gas producing" food anyway, Here's how you can improve the problem some: -- Take Gas-X Or other simethicone-containing OTC medication To keep the volume down. But to just "attack the smell?" There are "Internal Deodorants" sold under the name- Nullo, -that contains a Chlorophyllin copper complex. It comes in tablet form And it changes metabolism of odor-producing bacteria, As well as permeates the body with Chlorophyllin. I used it for a while during my first 5 months or so And it really will turn you in to one of those people Who's "Sh*t don't stink!" It's used commonly by people with colostomies. (It works even for the "Atkin's Breath" and perspiration odor That comes with being in Ketosis and burning fat at a fast rate.) There’s also - Devrom (parthenoninc.com) That does help some…and is talked about a lot on the Boards. Or -- Innermint (innermint.com) to improve the odor By permeating the system with a "Minty" fragrance. (I think I’d rather just stink than have my passing gas be "Minty!") (Prior to WLS I found Charcoal Capsules to be very effective, But they absorb nutrients as well as gas in the intestines And therefore are not a good fit at all.) If these measures do not bring your problem under control, Particularly if you also have loose stools, You may have an overgrowth of bad bacteria in your intestine. This is fairly common in folks with a malabsorptive procedures. You may need to get a prescription for Flagyl, And take it for an extended course, at least a month. Some people take it in low doses (prophylactically) all the time. You should talk to your surgeon about how much and how often, But it's longer and stronger than what a "normal" person would take. Note that Flagyl is chemically related to Antabuse, The drug that is given to alcoholics to help them quit drinking – (If you drink alcohol while taking Flagyl, you can get very sick.) And while you're taking Flagyl, And for at least weeks afterwards, You will need to take a probiotic -- Acidophilus, Lactobaccilus, Reuteri, for example, To repopulate your guts with good bacteria. You can also help the good bacteria in your intestines By taking one or two tablets of probiotics. Acidophilus bacteria really helps with the smells. You can also get these good bugs by eating live culture yogurt. GAS IS CONTROLLABLE by Controlling What is Eaten. This need not be a constant problem. If you can figure out what causes your issues, You will be able to control it. I had problems early on and At around 9th month, after several rounds of strong anti-biotics, But then after using Flagyl and Lactobaccilus, No problem since. There is a ‘Normal Life after the early on – - "WLS causes of the Killer Gas!!!" Controlling "ordinary" flatulence is basically a matter of Watching how you eat and what you eat, Particularly those high-fiber foods To determine which may be causing a problem. Substituting the problem food for other high-fiber foods Such as bran may lessen the problem. Eating slowly and chewing food for longer Allows the enzymes in saliva to break the food down more Before it enters the digestive tract. The more that food is chewed, The more it is broken down for the digestive system. What’s more, swallowed air is a prime cause of flatulence, And careful chewing avoids the swallowing of air That occurs when food is eaten too quickly. Some processed food items contain ingredients, Such as sweeteners or preservatives that can induce poots, especially: "Dietetic foods" such as Sugar-free Sweets and chewing gum. Fizzy drinks. (whole other topic) So even if you get rid of the odors, And reduce the excess of volume, Still expect around 14 magic moments per day. Maybe it's just a "perception shift." Like breathing, as long as you're farting, You're Livin'! (And do blame the Dog! But only if a baby or toddler isn't available.) Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Rick G.
on 10/13/07 12:44 am

Hey Dx, Many thanks for your words of wisdom - so much of it is right on the mark!

Appreciate it very much and I know it will help tremendously.



Beam me up Scottie
on 10/13/07 10:03 am
From personal experience devrom is a waste of money 1 out of 10 people say it works.   I'd suggest pepto bismo....it has the same active ingrediet as devrom...or even better, you can take chlorophyll tablets...but that absorbs nutrients (same as charcoal). i'd highly recommend an elimination diet....sometimes you just dont' know what sets you off.  So you go on all proteins (no cheese or dairy products)...just strict protein chicken, fish, beef, etc for a day...then slowly add back foods in your normal diet.  It will help you identify foods that set you off.   I'd also contact your doctor and get a prescription for flagyl....it works wonders...but wno't help you too much if your eating "trigger" foods. Scott
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