Living in Denial
Well my surgery was scheduled for today. I was not there of course but it was scheduled. I recieved my approval in writting on Sept 7 surgery was scheduled for today but got denied for coverage 2 days ago and today a denial of benefits showed up the day I was supposed to have surgery. The fight goes on. The insurance co has declared that things are not as they should be and is checking into it farther.
My surgery date was the Friday before my schools Spring Break in April.I get a call Thursday that the surgeons office had only gotten a "PRE -APPROVAL not an "APPROVAL".This process had been going on for nearly 1 1/2 years. Nothing is ever in stone until it happens.It too****il the following Tuesday and Surgery was the following Friday. The cost to me was was 5 days missed work instead of none.
Today I'm very happy, but back then that nearly put me over the edge of not having the surgery. Don't give up!
Wish there was some way we guys could shake up your ins. co. Keep fighting, though. As has been said, this is the hardest part in many ways. Once you're approved and post-op, this mess will make a great story. Until then, hang on and good luck.
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester