What to do?

on 10/11/07 12:00 am - Barboursville, WV
OK guys here is my dilemma. I have been approached by the surgical weight loss center where I had my surgery done and they want me to speak with their marketing guy and wanted to know if I would be willing to do something with them. Maybe a bill board or what ever. Of course I am flattered and said yes, but now after thinking about it for a while I'm not sure. I know some of you out there have had articles and TV spots done about you and was wondering if you had any second thoughts. I remember something Dx said once about being a poster boy for WLS and I kind of took that as my mantra for this journey, you know doing everything I can to make this work for me. Well now it may literally be coming true. I feel that if I could help someone in some way that I should. I lurked here in the locker room for several months and then after a while felt that I have gotten so much from it that I should try to participate and give something back for all I have gained. I feel the same way about my surgery. So what do you guys think?   pan head 
Ted K.
on 10/11/07 1:14 am - Westminster, MD
If you're not concerned with everyone knowing that you had the surgery then I would say go for it.   Since it seems the vast majority of WLS patients are women, it might be very helpful to guys out there to see that this option is available to them as well.
on 10/11/07 6:36 am - Barboursville, WV

Pretty much what my wife said, she knows how private a person I am. But the second part of your answer is one of the reasons why I am thinking about doing it. I have been trying to step out of the box more, get out of my comfort zone. I think this would do it.  pan head

Doug Such
on 10/11/07 3:21 am - Northern, CA
pan head, This will probably be of no help at all, but . . . I don't think there's any right or wrong choice here. If you're up for it, enjoy the kudos and ads. You'll be a celebrity and most likely contribute to improving folks' understanding of the benefits of wls. But if you're a private kind of guy or if you're concerned that being in the spotlight will make it more difficult to stick to your program, then thake care of yourself first. The surgeons will find someone else if they have to. The main thing--I think--is doing what keeps you happy and comfortable. You've taken a risk with surgery and worked hard, so you're entitled to enjoy the fruits of your labors. If you think being on a billboard might be cool, go for it--but only if you really want to. There should be no sense of obligation or pressure. Let us know what you do and forgive me for spouting off like I know what I'm talking about. I'm just bloviating about how I think I would approach the choice. Good luck and congrats on being an attractive selling point for your surgeon!


If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester

on 10/11/07 6:52 am - Barboursville, WV

Hey Doug I appreciate your input, bloiating is one of the great manly arts isn't it?

They have done this before and a guy that was in a commericial on TV for them talked at a support group meeting and commented on how much fun it was and how well he was treated. The main thing I think I would like to get out of it is to let men know that it can change your life for the good in ways you can never imagine and to enjoy doing something I may never get to experience again. It would be putting myself out there though. One of my favorite quotes is "no guts, no glory" , I guess I should follow that perhaps.


pan head

(deactivated member)
on 10/11/07 7:35 am - Houston, TX
Hey Panhead... I'm not a private person....hell i'll pull up my shirt and drop my pants in walmart, to help someone understand what we are doing.... Ok here is the rub....I have been approached to do some...out reach.....very flattering...but it is marketing...and they want you to say,...use this hospital, use this doctor... then competeition is strong here in houston...so I help where ever I can..but I don;t want to be locked into one facility....that may not be an issue for you.... we all think our docs are great, and my hosptial was great for me....but other patients have different fits of docs and hospitals....and I wanna talk about the wls journey...not promote a specific doc or facility....because they ain't paying me to be a spokeman....does this make any sense??? down here, the support groups are segregated...if your doc  does not work here you are not welcome, and you will be asked to leave....no joke...I always thought it was like AA anyone was welcome...not so...and when you think about it, the docs and hospitals don;t do this for free.... so.....in my a-hole way....if it tieing you into a facility...see what you can get in return.....facility costs on PS???? if that was the case....put me out there..... Ok enough from me russ
on 10/12/07 2:25 pm - Barboursville, WV

Never really thought about it like that. Will have to ask about WIFM!

pan head

Earl C.
on 10/11/07 11:39 am - Circleville, OH
Hey Pan Head,

My ex and I were used by OSU for a few commercials, TV spots, web sites and magazine stories. They also used us and other successful WLS in their Info sessions. Which were basically sales pitches for the OSU medical center, for people looking into WLS. So we'd go and answer question with the surgeon and insurance people and tell our story.  Who doesn’t like to talk about themselves a little? I think right after WLS a lot of us have an almost evangelical need to tell our story and wish to help others better their lives through WLS. So, all of us volunteered. Everyone was making money off it but the WLS patients. But that's alright. We both loved the little bit of notoriety. It's not like people will stop you for autographs, believe me. But people at work will tell you they saw you on TV or a magazine, which last about a day.


I say go for it. At one point the ex was looking for a way, other than trying to con me into a double mortgage, to finance plastic surgery. We had lunch with a very well known plastic surgeon (like on Oprah well known), who at time was charging about $ 45,000.00 for a full body lift. He offered to cut that to $ 25,000.00 if she agreed to appear on a few media shows. We just could not come up with the 25,000.00.


Anyway, if you feel like sharing your success, go for it. I’d do like someone else suggested on here and see what they can offer you, if anything. But think about it…they are all making money off it on some level. Even free websites like this, make a lot of money off of WLS.


Good luck


on 10/12/07 2:32 pm - Barboursville, WV
Thanks for your reply, I am leaning toward doing it. Sounds like it might be fun and I will see about WIFM. Who knows what might happen. I could use a little nip and tuck, maybe i can get a break on something. pan head
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