Guess what I did...
I saw the Dr. on Monday, drank a strawberry flavored barium milkshake on Tuesday, and am now waiting for the insurance to give me the go ahead! YEAH, I guess?
The Dr.’s visit was a breeze! Dr. Dyer’s only concern stemmed from my Hiatel Hernia and how big it was. You see, I have had 8 esophageal dilatation’s over the years. So, the good Dr. sent me to have a Upper GI. Now, this was an experience in itself. The radiologist was a hoot. When he first showed me the barium going into my stomach, he popped out with his best Al Pacino imitation and said, “Say hello to your little friend”. Other than the fact the strawberry flavored milkshake was nasty, no problems!
Anyway, it seems I have finally fulfilled that laundry list of do’s for the insurance company. I can’t believe that 6 months has flown by so fast! It seems like yesterday I was reading over the insurance requirement, and thinking, “this could take forever”. Who knows, it might still take forever! You hear all kind of stories. From the ones who took 2-3 years to finally get approved, to the ones who were approved within a week.
Well no matter what happens I am on the right track! I’ve made changes in my lifestyle that are going to make me a healthier person. I have surrounded myself with a great support system of family and friends. And I believe in a God that reigns upon high! Who could ask for anything else!
So, there you go! My request is this…For my friends and family on this board and elsewhere to keep me in your thoughts and prayers. And as soon as I hear something, you will know it! In fact you will probably hear me screaming, feel me jumping up and down, and then you will remember…”It’s just Scott in
On yeah, the hospital let me bring home some of the strawberry flavored barium…I’m willing to share if anyone is interested?
Have a great week!