Wednesday coffee talk
Good Wednesday morning everyone. It's time to rise and shine! I hope you slept as good as I did. A great nights rest always makes a body feel good. Don't it?
Our challenge for today is to accept yourself. Before you can expect others to accept you, you have to accept yourself. You are a special person. You are beautiful, unique and you are you. When you accept yourself, others sense it and they begin to accept you. If you are down on yourself and you lack self confidence, others pick up on it. Accept yourself and realize that you are unique, special, and you will be accepted by others. Being accepted by YOU is more important than anything!
So, who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome New England Caramel Apple Coffee from my great friend in North Carolina. Thanks again Chris!
I hope ya'll have a wonderful and blessed Wednesday accepting yourself!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"