Friday Coffee Talk
Good morning everyone! It's Friday!
The weekend is just about here.
What's your plans? Whatever you do, I hope you have a great time!
Our challenge today is to focus on attitude. Our attitude will take us a long way in this life and in everything we do. If you have a good attitude, it will shine out and you will attract the good stuff. If you have a stinker of an attitude, you'll cause people to shun you and things won't go your way. So, if things aren't going right for you, check your attitude today. I've had to many times and I'm glad that I did. I think I still may need to fix it in some areas. How bout you?
So, anyone up this morning? What cha sipping? It's 4:23 a.m. here and I have my cup of Vanilla Biscotti by my side. It's so good. Kind of soothing. Can a guy use that phrase? HEHEHE I think I'm going to get some studying in this morning.
I hope ya'll have a wonderful and blessed Friday.

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"