Mule Deer FART !

on 10/4/07 3:31 am - Holland, MI
I just returned from Shawnee, WY. where I spent 10 days chasing Mule deer across the badlands. I managed to arrow one at 46 yds. I still can't believe it. I just wanted to share with my WLS brothers. I first started shooting a bow and arrow when I was 12 years old, and it's been a passion of mine since. However, as my weight increased, my ability to enjoy this sport, decreased. In order to harvest an animal with a bow you must get very close to it. (within 50 yards) It's extremely difficult to be stealthy dragging around an extra 100 + pounds. For this reason, I never even dreamed of pursuing a Mule Deer. Mule Deer live in rugged, barren country. Mountains and sage plains are their prefered habitats. It's very difficult to get close to them, with a bow, in this environment. Most hunters will not even attempt it. Of those who do, the success rate is around 12- 15 %. Well, I pulled it off. I spent 10 days, and countless hours climbing hills, and crawling across the prarie, but after dozens of blown stalks I managed to connect on a nice, mature 4 X 4 buck. The fulfillment of a longtime dream / goal of mine. All made possible, because I lost over a hundred pounds and whipped myself into condition to hunt the badlands. It was an awesome trip. The country, especially the sky, is mond-boggling to a born, and raised, flat-lander- such as myself. I take home so many good memories, ( as well as cuts, scrapes, bruises, sore muscles, and cactus quills !) I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. Thanks for letting me ramble and share. Whatever your hobbies are, or will be, I'm sure sure your experiences will only be enhanced, as a thin, healthy person. DD PS Oh yea, I did manage to lose 10 lbs. on this trip. My biggest loss in months. PSS Pictures are on my blog- if interested
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 10/4/07 3:38 am - Japan

It's true DD, losing a lot while working out makes all physical recreation a breeze. Sounds like fun. I wish they would allow deer hunting here in Northern Japan. The deer are overpopulated and are huge (about twice the size of whitetails). Thought about spotlighting with a crossbow to put free meat on the table, but if I were to get caught...

(both spotlighting and crossbow are illegal hunting)


on 10/4/07 9:43 am - Holland, MI
I must confess, I used a crossbow for the first time on this hunt. I really didn't find it to be much of an advantage though. The spotlight, however, stayed in Michigan . DD
on 10/4/07 5:13 am - Colonial Heights, VA
That sounds like a real seriously adventurous, out doorsey, testosterone kicking good time kinda FART.  Job well done.  You didn't mention the part about carrying the deer back out of the wilderness across your back 5 miles.  Did I miss that part or was technology involved. What happen to the Tigers???  I thought Leyland had them in there!
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
on 10/4/07 5:42 am - Holland, MI
LOL! Fortunately, this one died within sight of the two-track. I was able to haul him out on my tail-gate. Otherwise, it was an adreniline laced, testosterone buzz-and-a- half ! Leyland lost his magic wand during that last Cleveland series. Pretty disappointing finish for my Tigs. DD
Gerald W.
on 10/4/07 5:32 am - Del Rio, TX
Sounds like fun. Bow and Black Powder has already started in Texas. I can't hunt until football season is over. I can't wait until mid November as my son graduates from college and we to can hunt the canyon along the Pecos River in Southwest Texas. It's fun to be healthy again.
on 10/4/07 9:38 am - Holland, MI
Great hunting around Del Rio. I hunted there just before I got sick in 2006. I shot a Corsican Ram at Bowhunters Paradise Ranch near Brackettville. (That's the kind of bowhunting I did as a fat man ) Enjoy your season, in a beautiful part of the country. DD 
on 10/4/07 8:56 am - Lawrence, IN
Dave, Haven't been around here much, but glad I stopped in to see how you're looking.  Almost didn't recognize you.  You're doing great. Heading up your way next week.  Brenda is flying there tomorrow and I'm driving up Wednesday night.  We're headed to Mackinaw Island to celebrate our 32nd anniversary, then down to Bronner's, and probably Soaring Eagle before we head home. We're getting pretty excited about the WLS cruise to the Bahamas in January. Floyd
on 10/4/07 9:40 am - Holland, MI
Good to hear from you Floyd. I've never FELT better. Enjoy your time in Michigan (It's probably peak color season on Mackinac Island) and your Bahamas cruise. DD
Jim G.
on 10/4/07 1:00 pm - Waverly, PA
DD, Hello from Bangkok!  And, congratulations on bagging the mule deer.  Things just keep getting better don't they? Good to hear that  you are doing well.

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