Question for the Guys who workout....

on 10/2/07 9:28 am - New Haven, CT
I had planned on doing my workout today but I got tied up in taking my sons to a program and then I work like crazy(5 boys & a wife) I got off at 3pm and had to be back by 4pm(dropping my son off inbetween that hour) and now I feel like I failed at working out again. Is it just me or does anybody else feel guilty when they miss a workout session???
on 10/2/07 10:00 am - AL
I haven't lifted in a couple weeks and I definitely feel guilty about it.  The first week was intentional.  Then I decided to take another off because I got a new racquetball racquet I wanted to break in (imagine, feeling guilty about not lifting because I'm playing racquetball, one of the most intense sports there is).  God was watching, though, and I hurt my knee playing racquetball, so now I've been off two more weeks recovering.  I feel like my muscles are shrinking every day.  I'm hoping to hobble to the gym for an upper body workout on Friday. 
on 10/2/07 10:22 am - South of Boulder, CO
I don't feel guilty, I just don't feel as good as I do when I get in a good, solid workout. The feel good is both physical (endorfin rush I suppose) and psychological (sense of accomplishment). Guilt is a negative thought which I really try to avoid -- focus on the positive Bro and  hit it extra hard tomorrow. 5 boys -- WOW!! You certainly have your hands full, don't you? Best, Boner
on 10/2/07 10:23 am
It can be hard to find the time, I know.  A couple of things.  Seeing you your family on your profile, I am wondering if it is time for the kids to take on dad in a one on two or one on three half court game of basketball.  Or even a touch football game with teams.  You will combine family time with a good workout.  How about a two on three full court game of basketball!  Run your tail off!  One other thought is if you can find the time (I know it can be hard), try doing workouts in the very early morning.  The problem is you'll have to forgo some sleep the first few days starting a new routine.  Later, Brian
John Hoffmann
on 10/2/07 11:55 am - Baltimore, MD
Bro, I go to the gym 4 to 5 times a week, usually consisting of 30 minutes on an eliptical machine and 20 to 30 minutes of weights.  On the nights I dont go to the gym, I walk briskly around the neighborhood several miles.  I can do this all year and still get up a good sweat living in South Florida.  I can relate to your delema.  But, besides the guilt, I can tell you that if I go more than a day without doing one or the other,  I really feel like **** physically.  I dont know what it is, maybe sweating washes out all the crap in your body, though I dont eat or drink much crap anymore.  Just gives me more incentive to not fall off the wagon.  And I feel so good doing it, why skip it if I dont have too.  Make the time my friend, you'll thank yourself for it.  Good luck to you and be well. John
on 10/2/07 1:56 pm - Colonial Heights, VA
BroD, Hey, you don't have to feel guilty, its not failure, but high expectations.  Simplify. I got some dumbells and a bench I keep at home for basics. My primary exercise is walking and now jogging. I started at 5 minutes a day from surgery and worked up to 2 hr walks at a time.  Then after I got below 294, I found I could jog a little without my shins hurting.  After 12 months, I can now jog 3 miles at a time,...freaking amazing to me.  I ain't fast but I have never,...yes that is never,... been healthier and I haven't joined a gym or bought a buncn of expensive programs or magic tools or devices.  Now that is NOT a slam to those who have,... as we are all different and whatever works for you is what you should do.  Playing sports with your kids is an exellent idea.   My poiint is, you can walk anytime you have free.  I have walked at lunch at work, I have tried first thing in the morning (not good for me), and in the evenings;  sometimes soon after work, sometimes as late as 10 p.m. and anywhere in between.  Just get out there and do something to get moving. Sometimes I alternate walking/jogging days with workout/lifting and freestyle execise (pushups, crunches, etc), I have also recently added alternating days jogging with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) days where I go to the track at the local football field and walk a lap, then walk the curves, sprint the back 100 yards and jog the front 100 yards.  I started with 4 laps (1 mile) and can now do 16 (4 miles), Then I have a distance day where I walk and jog 6 miles and an easy day where I walk and jog 2 to 4 miles (30 to 45 mnutes) and hit a large bucket of golf balls at the driving range (I'm a beginner and it ain't real pretty; 60 minutes). Variety is the spice of life.  10K coming up Oct 13 in Richmond VA and 5K run on Oct 6 in Radford VA,f folowed by a 8 K in Richmond  Nov 10.  Related recent workout results FART: At my 9/27/07 12 month checkup , the nurse asked if I was exercising, then paused and said, "Never mind,...I see you have a body fat percent of 19,'re working out." The surgeon further expalined the average person has a body fat percentage of 28-30%.  An olympic or professional athelete might have a Body fat percentage around 6%.  19% was way better than he would expect.   It certainly made my day. You are going to be successful BroDiamond,...because you are good.  Let us know what you adopt and your progressive and resulting successes. Joe
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 10/2/07 2:48 pm - Japan

Hey Bro,

I have so many fitness related hobbies that I'm out there an average of 1.5 hours a day. So, if I skip, I don't feel guilty. Now, if I miss one of my two weekly weight workouts (that's right, I've cut back to two a week, so I can do other exercise), it bothers me, but not in a guilty way.

Of course, I'm not trying to lose weight. I'm doing all of this to prepare me for old age. Then, out of pure fun and vanity.

What do I mean by...

Fun? Ever try an Indo Balance board - that's fun. (like a board and roller that jugglers rock back and forth on)

Fun/ Interesting?

Pose Running - treating your run like a swim stroke and working on every aspect of it until you no longer reconize your old way of running and you're running fast without getting out of breath- That's fun/ interesting. (free videos at )


Looking in the mirror and seeing yourself in 31 jeans with the L size turtleneck hanging over your waist like a dress. You're taller so maybe 33 jeans.

Wonder if there's some kind of fun exercise you can get out and do before the wife and kids get up, that doesn't require a gym and that you can do in the neighborhood


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