Exercise question

on 10/2/07 2:54 am - Milpitas, CA

Hi All


I have been doing my arms and shoulders one day. The next day I do my chest and abs.

Sometimes while doing my chest, I’m still kind of sore from doing my arms.

Question: is that ok to do?






10/31/06 Roux-Y Gastric Bypass
Heaviest Weight: 325, Now 158
Diabetes, type 2, Now Gone
High Blood pressure, Now Gone
High Cholesterol, Now Gone
Sleep Apnea, Now Gone

NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 10/2/07 4:08 am - Japan


Should be fine. I don't think it's as easy for most people to overtrain as some would have you believe. There's a lot of TALK about overtraining arms, for example, because they are used in other exercises, but if I don't do my bicep and tricep exercises arms do get smaller. And this is in spite of the fact that I'm using my biceps in all of my back exercises AND using my tricep in all of my upper body presses.

You should progress fine with that. However, if you want to progress optimally, they say training early in the morning and allowing 48 hours between any kind of weight training is good. Of course on those off days, you can do cardio, since cardio (HIIT included) doesn't give you the breakdown and fatigue (nor put you in the same testo/ gh excretion cycle) that weight training does. 

Limiting workouts to 45 minutes on most days, 1 hour, 15 minutes on SOME days is also supposed to give you optimal progress. When I say optimal progress, I'm speaking of in strength or mass. Has nothing to do with cardio fitness or calorie burn.

Hope this Helps,

on 10/2/07 2:07 pm - Colonial Heights, VA
Sore is good, tight is good.  You are pushing yourself and progress is forthcoming if you stay with it. Bruised or swollen is bad.  Inability to move, bad. Lighten up the wieht or the number of reps. 8-15 reps per set; 3 sets with brief breaks inbetween are standard for most free style and machine weight lifting regimes; unless yo are doing some kind of lasting shake up yur body thing once in a while.  If you can do more than 12-15 reps, time to up the weight.  If you can't do 8, time to lower the weight. Correct form is more important to proper muscle development than a heavy weight you are not lifting properly and you could also pull or tear a muscle, ligament, or tendon. bad news. Chest abs arms shoulders are all upper body.   It is more standard (old school)  to do upper body one day and lower body the next, abs can go with either or both if you don't FRY them out every day.  Good job getting the work.  Doing something is commendable.  Keep charging forward.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
on 10/2/07 4:05 pm - Oxnard, CA
Ken, I work out my chest, shoulders, and triceps on the same day because they are all generally involved in the same movements. The next day I do legs and abs. The third day I do back and biceps. I do heavy aerobics in between each muscle day. I generally, however, take the day after legs off because my aerobic workouts are tough on my legs. M: chest/shoulders/tri T:  Aerobics W: legs/abs Th: Rest F: back/bis S: aerobics Su: fun aerobics (basketball /bike riding / hiking, ect.) Good luck! Ben
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 10/3/07 5:30 am - Japan

Wow, Ben!

Haven't seen you in ages? How are you doing?


on 10/3/07 9:05 am - Oxnard, CA
I'm doing great Dave. I try to check in more than once a week and give advice when I can. Ben P.S. I get so much motivation from your workout stories and your dedication. I love exercise so much right now that the majority of my free income goes to fitness related activities or products. Thanks Dave. :thumbsup:
on 10/3/07 2:10 am - Baton Rouge, LA
Hi Ken. I workout 5X a week twice a day and only lift weights on 4 of those days. I concentrate on generally one body part a day and work it once a week. I've made tremendous gains in strengh and muscle mass using this method for the past year.

Monday Morning - 45 minutes Stairmaster
Monday Afternoon - 1 mile run and 45 minute weights (chest)

Tuesday Morning - 45 minutes Stairmaster
Tuesday Afternoon - 3.4 mile run

Wednesday Morning - 45 minutes Stairmaster
Wednesday Afternoon - 1 mile run and 45 minutes weights (shoulders / back)

Thursday Morning - 45 minutes Stairmaster
Thursday Afternoon - 3.4 mile run (I'll work legs in sometimes on Thursday but most of the time I run)

Friday Morning - 45 minutes Stairmaster
Friday Afternoon - 1 mile run and 45 minutes weights (arms)

It's really hard to overtrain abs so you could pretty much do those daily and not have any issues.
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