Bob McQueen - MO - Monday, 10/1 Update
Locker Room,
Bob continues to make slow progress. He's now able to get out of bed and sit in a chair for extended periods of time. Physical Therapy sessions have started and Bob is up and walking during the day. In fact, Lori reports Bob "demanding" assistance so he can get up and walk more. Go Bob!!!!
So, he is making progress in some areas, in others he continues to struggle.
The fistula that Bob developed last week unfortunately is not improving. He continues to have significant leaking of fluid and the Doctor has told Lori that it could take as long as 6 months to a year before it fully heals. I had to look it up, in case you didn't know, here's the definition of a fistula:
fis·tu·la (fĭs'chə-lə)
n., pl. -las or -lae (-lē').

An abnormal duct or passage resulting from injury, disease, or a congenital disorder that connects an abscess, cavity, or hollow organ to the body surface or to another hollow organ.
Bob is still on the ventilator. He's unable to speak as a result so he continues to communicate by writing. Efforts to wean Bob off the ventilator and encourage more breathing on his own has not netted any positive results. The medical staff has said that they've done about as much as they can in the hospital setting and it's going to require significant respiratory therapy to get him off the ventilator. Plans in the short term are to prepare to move Bob to a rehabilitation facility. There is a facility closer to Bob's hometown where they can take him which would be very positive as it would be much easier travel back and forth for Lori. Surgical ICU doctors say Bob would likely be ready to move there in about 2-3 weeks, but due to the fistula the bariatric surgeons say he'll be ready to move to the rehab facility in 5-6 weeks. Lori plans to wade through this with the doctors this week and determine a game plan as to when and where they'll move him. Please continue to send your well wishes, support and prayers...they are very uplifting for Bob and he has been enjoying the cards and emails folks are sending. Here is the URL again to send patient email directly to Bob: Here is the address to the hospital for cards/flowers, etc: University Hospital One Hospital Drive Columbia, MO 65212 Thanks all! Cards Fan Springfield, MO loseSMART! loseSTRONG! His surgery was not a direct cause of his issues, but the trauma and strain from the surgery was definitely a contributing factor. His RNY was successful...pouch and bypass are functioning as they should. His initial issues were in the lower intestine away from the elements of his WLS surgery.
Do a search of my posts and you can see the updates from the past several weeks.
this time last week i was in the hospital for three days. i'll tell you, i was crawling out of my skin i wanted to get out so bad. i even lied about my pain hoping they would release me. not smart but that's how bad i wanted out. i can't imagine the stress this must be causing him. you just know when he has even a second of clarity he must be freaking out about his health, finances and family over this outcome. it just reminds us that there are dangers to this surgery and some of us get the short stick. for some of us it's been no picnic but i've got to put bob right up there with Dx, wad and some others who barely made it out alive.
i'm really glad to hear he'll be closer to home. i'm sure that must help in some small measure regarding his recovery and it should help Lori's head too. i guess this will be a nightmare he'll have to live with the rest of his life. he's a religious man so he has somewhere to turn besides his family. man, what a bummer, i can't even find words to say how sorry i am for him......carbonblob
i'm really glad to hear he'll be closer to home. i'm sure that must help in some small measure regarding his recovery and it should help Lori's head too. i guess this will be a nightmare he'll have to live with the rest of his life. he's a religious man so he has somewhere to turn besides his family. man, what a bummer, i can't even find words to say how sorry i am for him......carbonblob
I'm like CB, hate being in the hospital. know, want you to rest so much! Bob must be going crazy in there, terrible.
Thanks so much again, CF. I'm just glad to hear that Bob is improving, although the idea of long term respiratory therapy will sure be an ordeal. Tough times.
Best Regards,