Real Age Calculator

Tim A.
on 9/26/07 11:48 pm, edited 9/26/07 11:55 pm

Hi Guys, I found an interesting website yesterday that helps predict you life expectancy and real age based on your lifestyle and health factors. I ran it before I have RYN WLS 18 months ago and based on my life style today. The changes are really impressive. I know it is just an approximation and I'm not sure of if its even remotely scientifically accuracy but it does show that I have really changed my life for the better. Who knows if I will live to be 96 years old like my grandfather but at least I have a chance now where before I was a dead man walking. The site is located at:

My Stats Biological Age: 45 at 460lbs BMI: 58 Real Age: 53.2 Average Life Expectancy: 76 My Life Expectancy: 66.8

Now 18 Months after RYN Surgery Biological Age: 48 at 219lbs BMI: 27 Real Age: 28.1 Average Life Expectance: 76 My Life Expectancy: 95.9



Doug Such
on 9/27/07 12:08 am - Northern, CA
Hey Tim, I'm going to check tis out--looks interesting. Thanks. My wife has her own real age calculator that puts my Real Emotional Age at 13!


If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester

Doug S.
on 9/27/07 12:40 am - Pelican Rapids, MN
I found that site as well. I'm 54 and my "real age" is 43. It was a plesant surprise!  
on 9/27/07 1:28 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Interesting site.  Not sure how accurate it is as according to this site I should have been dead 5 years before I had my surgery Surgery Jan 10, 2007 Pre-surgical Real age 82.6 chronological age  58 life expectancy  53.4 9 months post op real age 59.2 chronological age 59 life exxpectancy 77.8 Rich

on 9/27/07 2:51 am - Barboursville, WV

Here's my numbers. The one that really got me is my present age of 31. I do feel better than I have in 10 or 15 years. Before WLS Biological:   49 Real:            57.8 LE:                67.2 After WLS Biological:     49 Real:               31 LE:                   93.6 I like this! pan head

NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 9/27/07 3:19 am - Japan

Hi Tim!

Love that site. Damn, forgot to check my real age, but life expectancy is 95. That's a long f****** time.

What should I do when I grow up, given I still have just about as much time left as I've spent here already?

Maybe I'll just see how fast and as well as I can learn to run. Nothing mroe fun than that. With my biomechanics (refrigerator mover body) that will probably be about a 15 second 100.


Rob S.
on 9/27/07 4:03 am - DE
Fun site.  I don't really think I would have lived to 62 without the surgery.  Now I have to actually start planning for retirement some day. My stats:                         Today      Pre-surgery Weight                175              340 BMI                      53                24 Bio Age                54                50 Real Age              36.3              64 Avg.Life Exp.        77                 76 Your Life Exp.      94.7               62
on 9/27/07 6:44 am
Real age 52  Bio 52  Life exp 76.  Was just wondering, the program really doesn't take into account all the damage over the years obese people have done to their bodies and how much is not reversible.  We will see over the years.  Brian
Tim A.
on 9/27/07 7:59 am

I agree Cab, I think it is a long way from being scientifically accurate and it does not take into account previous damage from our old lifestyles but it does give you and idea that you’re on the right path now. It just for fun....

on 9/27/07 10:53 am - San Dimas, CA
Still pre-op Bio age   42 real age 50.7 feels about right  life expectancy          75 my life expectancy  66.8 I have 8600 more days, wonder if I'll get insurance approval before then? doesn't feel like it The driving questions really took a chunk off the life expectancy
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