I am Fortunate
on 9/26/07 1:17 am - Houston, TX
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester

Hi Russ,
I wonder if it's true hatred, or if it's just the way people have to think in the "either or" world of religious fundamentalism? ("straight" or "sinner", choose one).
Then, there's the other one I've seen in Asia: "I've never met anyone who's said they were gay, so gays must not exist here." (this was 20+ years ago in Taiwan and China).
Just things I've observed in the diverse cultures of China, Japan, the bible belt and Utah...
You are fortunate, though (as we all are) that you can be yourself, be loved and not be judged
Another ramble:
Hate crimes against gays, nationalities or anything else are virtually none-existent in east Asia.
Whereas in the west, there is the tendancy to believe that most behavior is intentional and deliberate (maybe the root of the concept of "transgression?"). Here people tend to believe that most behavior and preferences are innate.
Not that certain behavior doesn't give some people the "willies". In Asia, as it used to be in most of the world, bringing up babies is the main reason for living (working takes a close second). People who are gay or choose not to procreate stand out because they stray too far from the way of procreation.
On a side note, believing that behavior, preferences and personality are mostly innate affects, can have some negative effects. Treatment of conditions such as autism, ADHD, bipolar disorder is very undeveloped, because these are aspects of "personality." This is just the way these people "are."
Sorry if I've gone too far off the thread,
He man. I'm glad i was not the only one that heard and saw that either. Even though I am not gay, I have MANY friends that are. I love them just like anyone else. I wanted to take all my anger out on him and....well u can imagine.
Ignorance like that should not tolerated!!
Keep ur head up! We are blessed to live in this free country.
Later -
OH Certified Support Group Leader
Pasadena Support Group 2nd Monday at 6:30pm
Katy Krew Support Group 4th Monday at 6:30pm
'This is my glock, There are many like it, but this one is MINE.' R Lee Ermey
Hey Russ, I heard what that guy said and thought it more humurous than anything. You brought it home to me about how hateful it was. We take it for granted what we have here. This place would be awful boring if everyone was the same. We are indeed fortunate. For the most part we can live as we want. I try to teach my kids 2 main things, Respect of others and truthfullness. I never want to see them making fun of anyone. You can lose out so much if you alienate yourself from 1 particular group.
Thanks for sharing,
Please Keep Bob, Lori, and family in your Prayers.