In the hospital again!
now i always have a ton of benefiber each day but it appears that's not enough. when i was on pain meds that compounded the problem and really stopped me up but this time i've had the runs for over a week. well, turns out it was just going around this mass. i know, gross but i wouldn't want anyone to endour the pain i go through. so just a heads up. stay slippery.
oh, on a funny side note. i live on the west side of LA and the hospital i was in gets its fair share of celebrities in there. i was in the hallway just stretching out and i noticed a nurse at the other end just kept staring at me. she finally walked over and said she just had to see if i was billy bob thorton! what a blast. i told here if you saw me 20 months ago you would know. now that was funny. another kicker, i was bored so started reading my chart when i was hanging out in radiology. well last year they described me as a 52 year old SLIM african american! well, i'm a white guy and really got a kick out of the slim part but started thinking i was sure happy they didn't get the wrong guy and put me in surgery or something. so i guess i really do look different now! anyway, i got the greatest care and i'm feeling better. don't forget the oil guys, couldn't hurt! Carbonblob
on 9/25/07 11:23 am - Houston, TX

He does look a little bit like you!
No, glad to hear you've got the solution. The first time you mentioned abdominal pain way back, I had the impression it might be the fiber supplements (maybe combined with sugar alcohol), not sure why.
Been taking flax oil every day. It tastes like oil base house paint or like a portrait painter's pallette might. UNLESS you mix it with something else. Mayo seems to cover up the flavor, unless I put it in my chicken salad. OR if you want to get really bodybuilder extravagant, get some molecularly filtered fish oil. They say there's no way for the toxins from the fish to get through that filtration proces.
Either way you go, Omega 3 is good for lifters. I never have problems with diarrhea. The oil seems to digest. But hell, on my diet, my body's gonna soak up anything I put into it.
Glad you're feeling better,
If you're looking for a good brand of oil, I've heard Udo's choice is one of the best. Anything high in Omega 3 is supposed to provide energy and be good for the brain and endocrine system, so potentially "two birds with one stone". Mineral oil doesn't even digest and would probably cause more alabsorption than the others (guessing here), since it is said to cause it in non-ops.
Hope you're "clear" before Tahoe and have a good time there.