Brighter clothes?
In Dan's previous post Doug made comment about his orange shirt. If you look at Dan's first pictures in his profile he is wearing dark clothes. I know for me, I too am wearing a lot more color in my wardrobe than before. I think it has alot to do with my outlook on life now. I am sure that part of it is now I have more options to choose from, before I just wanted to find something that fit. I work in a warehouse in an office so my pants of choice are jeans, but I now have shirts that cover more of the spectrum than what I use to wear. I use to wear only black t-shirts, biker thing, or polo shirts were dress up for me. I now gravitate toward button up shirts for work. Not only is it that I can find clothes on the rack now, but I do look at the color and I want something that is more alive. I think Doug is right about clothes reflecting your attitude and perspective on life. I hadn't really thought about it though until Doug made his comment. Any one else out there doing the same thing without realizing it? pan head

Yes and No. I find myself not avoiding white t-shirts like the plague now because I'm afraid of wearing what I eat on it. I also find myself getting more 'cool' t-shirts, like a Dodger's and Angel's shirts my wife bought me at the beginning of Baseball season. (Not a huge fan of either one being from Seattle, but I do like baseball.) With my first name being Harley, I also end up with a lot of Harley Davidson merchandise. (Yes, my middle name is David as well .. and I have a Jr. at the end of my name, so Harley Davidson merchandise has been a big part of my life.) I was able to recently get a Huntington Beach Harley Davidson hooded sweatshirt. Not that there's been much call to wear it here in Southern California. So - while I don't wear a whole bunch of new colors, I do find myself being able to get stuff I want, rather than just something that fits from King Size Direct.
I wear those button oxford ****s at work and in the larger size ranges they only came in solid white or solid light blue. An wore black or navy docker styled pants all the time. As I have moved to smaller sizes, I have shopped almost exclusively at Goodwill and have found more than enough good quality used shirts and pants in my size. I defiantly have much more color and patterns in my shirt collection and much more color in my pants (tans green, browns). I even have some corduroys in colors too (I no longer have to worry about setting my cords on fire due to the excessive friction on the ribs as I walk). My shoes are too wide now, so I will most like get some new styles there as well. I am not at risk of becoming a clotheshorse, I stopped buying items for now, due to my continued loosing, but I am more open to changing around styles, now that I have choices. Herb
Poor men want to be rich, rich men want to be king.
And a king ain't satisfied 'till they rules everything.
- Badlands
I once read on an EBay ad from a gentleman that said why wear dark clothing? If you are 400 pounds what does it matter if you look 10 pounds lighter? Who are you really fooling? I have adopted that philosophy.
I use to wear plaid or rather dull shirts, no longer.
Live life boldy and reflect it in your clothing style.
Life is great, Rick
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
amazed to see where I have come,where I'm going, where I'm from".