A year and a day....
Well, I am now one day into my 2nd year of post WLS life - and the changes are phenominal...
I went from a sleep-apnea'd, high chlorestrale'd, high blood pressured, 260 lbs - with diabetes looming on the horizon - down to 180 lbs. Although comparatively light weight, my Doc said that he saw problems in me that usually present themselves in patients 100 lbs my senior.... and I was surely headed that way!
I got a great new job last February for more $$ They use me as a "front man" now... and, although I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt, I just don't think my old fat self would have been considered for the position.
I wear a size 34 pants and a large size shirt - neither of which is soaked in sweat at the moment.
I can see my Johnson... and it is getting bigger! I sure missed my ol' friend.....
I can walk, and even run when I feel like it (I usually I prefer to walk). My kayak is no longer is danger of sinking.
My medical status is back to normal - I no longer fear diabetes or an early grave due to heart failure.
Did I mention that I can see my Johnson? I get a lot more "trim" these days as well....
I can sit comfortably in a restaurant booth. Stadium seats and seat belts fit nicely now.
I am now, officially, "overweight".
I enjoy eating out now more than ever. I don't cram my face, ask for the bill, and go pass out on the couch afterward. I eat slowly and enjoy my food (and the smaller $).
I like clothes shopping - especially wally world (even though they were complete dickheads to Bob's wife).
I get admiring looks from the opposite sex - sometimes even the same sex
I have confidence now, and it shows.
I sleep well, and wake up refreshed and ready to hit the bricks running - my wife and I sleep in the same bed every night.
And... best of all.... I don't worry about leaving my wife a young widow - we will have many more happy years together!
- Chris

(deactivated member)
on 9/20/07 7:26 am - Houston, TX
on 9/20/07 7:26 am - Houston, TX
Very Nice Chris....
if any guy**** on you...tell them i'll scratch their eyes out...