Nintendo Wii and workouts?
Hey everyone, I know this is going to sound weird but has anyone used the Nintendo Wii as a form of workout? Now I am not talking about the games like Mario Party and all but like the golf game and the tennis games where u are constantly moving. They even have a boxing one and I did 3 rounds of boxing and was tired up body wise....Got the heart going to because it is seriously like boxing at the gym. Now I know this is no replacement for the regular workouts I do like tredmill or bike but its a bonus AND its fun...haha...Just curious if anyone else has used this game system and if so what about for a suppliment workout....THanks guys
I don't have one but at a new years party this past year we had a boxing tournament as part of the festivities. Going a few round definitely got the heart rate going. (we don't have to talk about me getting beat up and losing to a woman).
I've thought about purchasing one just for a little bit of extra exercise. (in addition to the gym and cardio stuff)
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Well from the mouth of my physical therapist... Anything that gets your heart rate up and your body moving more so than you do on a normal basis will accellerate your weight loss. Yeah sure it's not as hard core of a work regime at your local gym... but it may be just as good as walking around a mile or two. I'd say go for it... it's fun and if you get a sweat... anything is better than nothing.
Maybe my wife will let me buy one now......I mean if it's for extra exercise How can she say no??? She wouldn't let me buy a nordic track tread mill (the ones that are 1/2 stepper 1/2 tread mill) nor an exercise bike because we have a small place for it...but how can she say no to a small WII...besides i've been dying to play the new metroid game!!!!!! I LOVE THAT SERIES.....
Got it for the kids but having a blast with it... After a few rounds of boxing I was sweating, heart was pumping, and kids were having a good time (and so did I).
This is a good way to spend some family time and start having good eating habits and start getting active. I don't want my daughter to have the same weight problems that I did so keeping her active is important and spending time with her even more.
This is not replacing my morning cardio, but its replacing an hour of watching tv with the kids...
It is fun!
This is a good way to spend some family time and start having good eating habits and start getting active. I don't want my daughter to have the same weight problems that I did so keeping her active is important and spending time with her even more.
This is not replacing my morning cardio, but its replacing an hour of watching tv with the kids...
It is fun!
Well, another thing to consider with the Wii is they are coming out with Wii Fit I think around Christmas with games designed to get you active, and a board to kind of do the step aerobics on.
The board also keeps track of your BMI, as well as a bunch of other stuff. Check out the trailer on the link below.
For me, I love the Wii. A good game of tennis always gets my heart pumping!