Good Morning Guys! This is Ann, Dan's wife. He wanted me to let you know that he has severely broken his left upper arm in several places. And since he doesn't type well with only one hand, he wanted me to do this for him. He's committed to sharing some humor with you each day since he can cut and paste his jokes. Please say a little prayer for his quick healing since he is about to drive me crazy. Ann Packard *******************************************************************************************************
The Late Preacher
A young preacher was asked by the local funeral director to hold a grave-side burial service at a small local cemetery for someone with no family or friends. The preacher started early but quickly got himself lost, making several wrong turns. Eventually, a half-hour late, he saw a backhoe and its crew, but the hearse was nowhere in sight, and the workmen were eating lunch. The diligent young pastor went to the open grave and found the vault lid already in place. Taking out his book, he read the service. Feeling guilty because of his tardiness, he preached an impassioned and lengthy service, sending the deceased to the great beyond in style. As he was returning to his car, he overheard one of the workmen say: "I've been putting in septic tanks for twenty years and I ain't never seen anything like that."
If you have a prayer request whether WLS or personal, please visit our website at and click on PRAYER or email me at [email protected]
You will be added to our daily prayers. One of our ministry objectives is to support those having or had WLS. Pastor Dan