Any of you boys have this issue?

Here is something I found out about queefing! I am a little concerned that my wife may be cheating because last week she was "queefing" (blowing vaginal farts). She said what was causing it was that she had put a medicinal cream inside her vaginal area.
I always thought that queefing was due to having sex when air trapped in the vagina escapes. Can putting cream inside the vagina (by hand) cause queefing or is my wife lying to me? Are there other causes for queefing besides sex? She has had this happen several times when we were not intimate.
Hi Mark,
Vaginal flatulence, or queefing, is simply the sound of air rushing out of the vagina. It occurs frequently during sex, as the penis forces air into this cavity, meaning that it's going to have to get back out at some point.
Some women can queef on command. Others are more sensitive to it, and will queef as a result of just standing up or sitting down. It's quite possible that a cream would cause your wife to do so, particularly if it's an application that blocks the entire vaginal opening. This would actually be a much more likely scenario than the one you suspect.
surprise from down south