First, the real one....

on 9/16/07 12:23 am - Jacksonville, FL
As I moved into day 3 I was really bloated with gas and I have yet to move my Bowels. Gas-X helped a bit and so did the walking around. Finally had a movement even if it was jus****ery. I finally let one rip this am. What a relief. My nurse at the hospital was a bit concerned that I hadent passed gas yet. I was already burping, but now I moved forward....LOL. Im still in a lot of pain, but thats to be expected from all the extra digging he had to do. I also was able to take those PIA compression socks off.  By the way...whats considered sufficient walking?    
"On the road that I have taken, one day, walking, I awaken,
amazed to see where I have come,where I'm going, where I'm from".

Dx E
on 9/16/07 10:43 am - Northern, MS

Some info (associated with preventing Blood clots in legs on airline flights) Says- "a few minutes every hour." But that is for long flights… My doc has most of his patients walk for 5 to 10 minutes every 2 to 4 hours While they are awake and no longer than a max of 6 hours without some walking. Once you are home, a 5 minute trip around or through the house Every hour while you are awake should be plenty to Stave off Deep Vein Thrombosis. It’s not about "Exercise" at this point, Just blood flow return to prevent clots forming in the legs. Later, you can let your walking evolve into "activity" And increase it to the point of actual "Exercise." For that "trapped Gas?" most docs allow and even recommend Gas-X. And, a little trick from my Dr. ? Lay on your left side with your knees slightly bent. A pillow between your knees. In this position, because the way our intestines are arranged, Gravity will aid the natural peristalsis of the intestines And the "Trapped Gas" will "Pass on Through" much quicker. The motion of walking also helps greatly. That and Gas-X were Great for me. This soon out of surgery? Oh Yeah! That Gas can be a major Pain! Glad to hear you're home! And "On the mend!" (or do you have a laptop in your room?) Hope you’re feeling better soon! Best Wishes- Dx

on 9/16/07 11:02 am - Jacksonville, FL
Thanks, Dx. I tried Gas-x but im not too sure if it did any good. I have been walking upstairs around by bedroom till the gas pain subsides. Today (day 3) I am feeling pretty nauseus and he gave me a pill for it but it causes diaherria. I have not been able to eat  harder liquids such as jello as it made me sick just looking at them so Ive been sipping water and walking. I dont think im drinking as much as I need to but im doing what I can handle right now. Ill put on those compression stockings tonight as a precaution. I did catch up on much needed sleep as the last few days were horrible. I am wiped out!  Im thinking I might feel like this because he was operating almost 2 hours instead of the usual 1 hour. I dont know. But im a bit of a wuss when it comes to pain.  Ill say this though: listening to all the new gurgling sounds coming from the abdomen now, I can just about trace the gases path..LOL
"On the road that I have taken, one day, walking, I awaken,
amazed to see where I have come,where I'm going, where I'm from".

Dx E
on 9/16/07 11:16 am - Northern, MS

Also- SF Popsicles! Those were 'god-on-a-stick' for me early on. And, I forgot--- Heating pad on the back helps too! Hang in there. It Does get MUCH easier each week! It really Does! Best Wishes- Dx

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