Does OH Sell Diet Scam Advertising Space?

Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
Hi Dx,
"Pouch pals?" Sounds a little like lesbian
Isn't it shocking how a medical site can advertsise "snake oil?"
They must be turning all of their adversing over to private contractors, is all I can figure. Literally turned into a no brainer.
I guess part of it is that the internet is still a lawless (brainless?) frontier and companies still don't have it figured out.
Best Wishes,
Oooowwww…Ahhhhhhhh! And it uses "nanotechnology." It sounds like a major scientific breakthrough, Until you see that they only say "nanotechnology" In the audio portion, and use their trademarked- "Nanocellular Technology™" in print. Nanocellular Technology is a $20 dollar phrase that says- Our stuff is made out of Molecules! By that standard, I have some Dihydrogen Monoxide I’d like to sell you. It’s absolutely the Most significant factor in weightloss ever discovered. In fact, without adequate Dihydrogen Monoxide Imminent Serious Health issues are not only possible, But certain! (There are also those against Dihydrogen Monoxide) Ban DHMO... Get the Facts: Best Wishes- Dx
Is it true that using DHMO improves athletic performance?
Absolutely! With the numerous allegations of amateur and professional athletes using anabolic steroids and/or blood doping to enhance performance, virtually no attention has been paid to the performance enhancing properties of Dihydrogen Monoxide. It is perhaps the sporting world's dirtiest of dirty little secrets that athletes regularly ingest large quantities of DHMO in an effort to gain a competitive edge over an opponent.

One technique commonly used by endurance athletes in sports such as distance running and cycling is to take a large amount of DHMO immediately prior to a race. This is known within racing circles to dramatically improve performance.
Sports-medicine physicians warn that ingesting too much Dihydrogen Monoxide can lead to complications and unwanted side-effects, but do acknowledge the link to improved performance. DHMO is not currently considered a banned substance, so post-race urine tests do not detect elevated or abnormal levels of DHMO. Best Wishes- Dx