
"Plastic Surgery - for Men..." Re-post...

Dx E
on 9/15/07 11:10 pm - Northern, MS

A Little bit of info about "Plastic Surgery – for Men…" Not a Re-post…(sort of recycled info) Several guys out here have had Plastic Surgery. Many wonder about it….. Unlike the "Feature Article of the Month" -Typically, The most popular procedures for Men who have had extreme weight loss include- Panniculectomy - http://www.yourplasticsurgeryguide.com/tummy-tuck/panniculec tomy.htm Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)- http://www.yourplasticsurgeryguide.com/tummy-tuck/ Lower Body Lift- (Torsoplasty)- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lower_body_lift http://www.atlantaprsc.com/body_contouring_lower_body_lift.h tm And Gynecomastectomy (Male Breast reduction or tissue removal)- http://www.plasticsurgery.org/patients_consumers/procedures/ Gynecomastia.cfm?CFID=80121512&CFTOKEN=24982872

These are just the most common. Obviously everyone’s "needs" are different, some aren’t even "needs," just "wants!" Other procedures such as Thigh Lift, Pubic Region reduction, etc…may also be sought. Typically Men tend to carry the majority of their excess weight on the abdomen / Torso, So the typical areas of excess skin are found there. Just starting into WLS? And worried about future loose skin? And Plastic Surgery? You may not need Plastic Surgery at all. Many factors figure into it. Age, (guys under 35 to 40 seem to draw up better than most) Skin Health, (not a lot of Sun burning in your past helps, -non-smokers fair better too) Genetics.. (any ‘pigment’ in the skin- Hispanic/Latino, Asian, African, Native American.. All of these folks tend to have more resilient skin as a rule) Also, how long you’ve been at excess weight and "how excessive’ play a big part as well. I’m 51 this summer, was at 385 when I had my surgery. I had been between 370 and 390 for over 20 years. 6’1" tall. I dropped to 179 and have been below 185 for ‘coming up on’ 2 years. I had some Blue Ribbon Man-Boobs (moobs) Women envied them! Everything ‘drew up’ really well, Except a small roll of skin at my belt-line in the front. I had a Panniculectomy in July, and insurance covered it in my case. If I had paid on my own, it would have been around $8000 to $6500 – And that’s meds, pre-op tests, anesthesia And everything including my overnight stay in the hospital. Normally I would have been done as an out patient. Now that was a straight panniculectomy Not the more extensive abdomiplasty that others here have done. Exercise while losing helps immensely as well. Before putting to much concern in the Plastic Surgery After, You might want to go in with a "wait and see" approach. You may not need it. For ‘limited funds’ (and who’s aren’t?) There are a number of financing options available For self-pay without the insurance. For insurance? Well, it’s less common for insurance to cover Plastic Surgery, But Many do in Many cases. Some of the factors that tend to support insurance coverage include- Existing Hernia- (In the case of an incisional hernia or external hernia that is planned to be surgically repaired with an open procedure, sometimes a Tummy Tuck can be combined with the procedure and insurance may cover some of the costs.) One of our guys here- Larry P. had this done. Perhaps a Private Message would be a good way to get some details- at- http://obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/profile.php?N=P 1114004756 If no existing hernia? Skin conditions, rashes, etc.. can support coverage. This was the deciding factor for coverage in my Plastic Surgery. To begin with- I didn’t want to have the PS done at all. But my doctors convinced me that I needed to go on and do it. [I had some rashes pop up every now and then, and that would have been a nusance, not a medical necessity, except, I’m on Coumadin for my Heart valve, and any break in the skin leads to extensive bleeding. I’m a bit like a hemophiliac, so preventing breaks in the skin became a necessity. Follow? Ok…] And, after having the PS? I’m So Glad I had persuasive Docs!!! And so thankful my insurance picked up the bill. Some things to do in order to seek insurance coverage due to persistent skin issues. 1.) Document Everything!! If your loose skin causes a rash to develop in a skin fold? See your doc about it or call that to your docs attention while visiting for some other reason. In fact, you may not need the Plastic Surgery after all (which was my hope) if the doc can prescribe an ointment or cream / powder that can stop the rash. In my case, I tried 3 different prescriptions, and they all helped immensely, but none actually "solved the problem." 2.) Get a referral to a Dermatologist / Specialist. My doc passed me on to a Dermatologist when the 2 prescriptions she had originally offered did not ‘fix’ my problem. The ‘Skin Doc’ also offered a prescription which worked much better, but ultimately fell short of a solution as well. After 3 trips to the Dermatologist spread out over 8 months, he recommended I have the excess skin removed. I asked for a letter stating that recommendation. He gave it to me that day. Sort of a "To Whom it may concern…." -Letter. 3.) Get letters of recommendation from your Dr. (s) After receiving the letter recommending Plastic Surgery from the Dermatologist, I went back to my PCP and had her write one also supporting the procedure. She has recommended that I get the procedure a year earlier, so she was happy to provide me with letter of support stating the 14 month persistence of a medical complication resulting from excess skin. (My Bariatric Surgeon had also previously recommended the procedure so I got a letter from him as well.) Only with Medical multiple medical recommendations in hand, did I begin to "Audition" Plastic Surgeons for the job. I corresponded with 7 different Plastic Surgeons, had a consultation with 5 of them before choosing the one who did my procedure. From watching posts out on the Boards since ’02, I would say to be "on the look out" for some of the following- Does the Surgeon do the specific procedure you are wanting done often? I’ve seen folks have a panniculectomy done by the same doc that did their Gastric Bypass, often achieving less than desired results. Here’s my thoughts on that- Go to a Steak house for Steak. Want spaghetti? Don’t go to a Mexican Restaurant. Yes? Also find out what procedure the doc uses. Staples to hold a normal incision? Fine. For a Plastic Surgeon? Barbarous! The scars will look like Frankenstein’s Monster! For Men? Ask -"how many Men have you done this procedure on in the last year?" I was interested by how few such procedures some Plastic Surgeons had performed. Also ask about lifting / removing excess skin on the pubic mound. Yep! The notorious "pubic pillow!" After losing all that weight, the excess skin there Can still keep a guy from "being all that he can Be!" If you ask just about any guy who’s had a Panniculectomy / Tummy Tuck or lower body lift, the biggest "pay-off?" Inches Extra! It’s worth the price alone! For more specific info about the various procedures, Here are a few guys that I recall having work done. Maybe checkout their profile, Or just drop them an e-mail through the site- Most recent is- GoToMan who is fresh out of his latest surgery. and then... *Bo McCoy, at- http://obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/profile.php?N=M 1020054484 *Bobby S. (in process of having his done) at- http://obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/profile.php?N=S 1074575624 *Glenn Blind, at- http://obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/profile.php?N=B 997307384 *Jim F, ( profile, but post record) http://obesityhelp.com/forums/men/postdetail/10376.html?vc=0 #10376 http://obesityhelp.com/forums/men/member-posts/138781.html *John Rushton, at- http://obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/profile.php?N=R 1023318829 or- http://www.geocities.com/jd_rushton/ *’David’ "Fat Goy No More", at- http://obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/profile.php?N=B 1141166843 *Randall Culpepper, at- http://obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/profile.php?N=C 1085542878 Larry P., at- http://obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/profile.php?N=P 1114004756 And some others, But these come to mind….. Now, also- Drop any questions out on the Board Here. Some guy with the exact info you are wondering about may see it. A discussion of the question will more than likely yeild more info than any single post or article. Some of the past threads here that dealt with Male Plastic Surgery concerns were- Men PS Links- http://obesityhelp.com/forums/men/board_id,5479/cat_id,5079/ topic_id,3078073/a,messageboard/action,replies/#23625841 Under armor/ and compression garments in regard to skin shrinkage- http://obesityhelp.com/forums/men/board_id,5479/cat_id,5079/ topic_id,1138508/a,messageboard/action,replies/#8487923 Man-boobs- http://obesityhelp.com/forums/men/board_id,5479/cat_id,5079/ topic_id,758250/a,messageboard/action,replies/#5698009 Fleur-de-lis type Abdominoplasty- http://obesityhelp.com/forums/men/board_id,5479/cat_id,5079/ topic_id,3264769/a,messageboard/action,replies/#25216211 General Male Plastic Surgery Thread- http://obesityhelp.com/forums/men/board_id,5479/cat_id,5079/ topic_id,3229376/a,messageboard/action,replies/#24909018 More Male Plastic Surgery Questions- http://obesityhelp.com/forums/men/board_id,5479/cat_id,5079/ topic_id,3220359/a,messageboard/action,replies/#24823121 A "Panniculectomy Update"- http://obesityhelp.com/forums/men/board_id,5479/cat_id,5079/ topic_id,3174369/a,messageboard/action,replies/#24426557

Panniculectomy Questions- http://obesityhelp.com/forums/men/board_id,5479/cat_id,5079/ topic_id,3167228/a,messageboard/action,replies/#24375672 More Panniculectomy Questions- http://obesityhelp.com/forums/men/board_id,5479/cat_id,5079/ topic_id,3167456/a,messageboard/action,replies/#24375659 When did your Moobs (Man-Boobs) Go Away- http://obesityhelp.com/forums/men/board_id,5479/cat_id,5079/ topic_id,3095274/a,messageboard/action,replies/#23756679 Men who’ve had their Plastic Surgery?- http://obesityhelp.com/forums/men/board_id,5479/cat_id,5079/ topic_id,3090047/a,messageboard/action,replies/#23711340 Hope you find at least some of this info helpful….. Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

(deactivated member)
on 9/16/07 12:48 am - Houston, TX
Hey Dxe.... Great monster post... any one who wants to, I'll talk about anything.... one thing I'm not sure Dxe covered, is...this can be a bigger surgery and the RNY....8 hours in the OR...one girl, just had 11 hours in the OR...and the down time is dramatic... some of the chicks just jump into it...with the glamour in their eyes, and then get a snap back... once I get rid of this set of drippy dressings i'm done... Great topic for this board Russ
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 9/16/07 6:07 am - Japan


What a post, as usual!

I was curious about one thing: I saw a post somewhere about people donating skin to burn victims (not sure if scrota-like skin would always be an improvement, but...).

Does anyone have any details about these donations?



(deactivated member)
on 9/16/07 9:17 am - Houston, TX
Hey Dave... This is what I know.... and this is my source...My doc that took off all my skin is a burn doc...so I take it as pretty good... I asked him, "are you goon a use my skin foe a burn patient...I heard you can do that now?" He kinda made a face, and said.."yes you can , but it takes a lot of preparation, and is generally not worth it..." now I was being wheeled in, but his is intresting, and there has been a lot of intrest on the board...I see him on friday, I need to make a note..if he is not too busy, to get more info not much info, but just enough to tease.. Russ
Dx E
on 9/16/07 9:53 am - Northern, MS

I’ve seen it both ways- "Absolutely NO WAY" and "Yes, we welcome donator skin…" Both from actual skin graft clinics/hospitals. Most side with the – "No, not cost effective r worth the effort." But, I have seen the exact opposite. What makes it odd, is both sources were direct from the source types of info, Not the typical- "I heard…." So, the jury is out on this one, And both sides had trusted, expert testimony. The flaw is attempting to establish a flat-out Rule, one way or the other, Because, like so many things associated with WLS- "It Depends." Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 9/16/07 2:27 am - San Francisco, CA
Dx, You are the best!  I haven't been around the Board much, but logged in this morning, and here is your super 'plastic' post.  Just what's been on my mind as I approach the first anniversary of WLS coming up Oct. 9th.  Went to my monthly meeting where at the Bariatric Dept yesterday and weighed in (with clothes, of course!), at 230lbs, down from my pre-op orientation weight of 347.  I exercise and bike almost daily and my wt has been stable for months at 225 +/- 5lbs, up and down. Short of becoming a manical nothing-in-life but exercise guy, I don't think anything but surgery is going to make the extra skin around the middle and the thighs go away.  My first priority will be the chest though...gotta get rid of the man boobs.  I've hated them since I was a fat little kid. Thanks for the info and your dedication to this board, Brother. All the Best, Always, Dennis
Dx E
on 9/16/07 9:47 am - Northern, MS

Hey Dennis! Long time no see! Great to hear you’re doing well. (I’m always tempted to strip off Buck-Nekid at the docs when they ask me to weigh in!) Chest reductions for men run around $3000 to $5000 total cost On a national average. Self-pays can maybe negotiate a little lower. One thing I forgot to put in my post Was the National average costs for those procedures. I have it somewhere on my hard drive….. All sorted out as to how much - for the Surgeon, the hospital, the anesthesiologist, etc… Keep up the Great Work! Best Wishes- Dx

on 9/16/07 6:39 am - Blainville , Canada
This is a great post Dx!

I've been collecting posts since I joined the board and I can tell you that I'm filling up my binder quickly. Can't say how much I'm learning from everyone on the board.


lew baustert
on 9/18/07 5:12 am - Dover, DE
great post...i am actually less than 3 weeks away from my plastic surgery ( oct 8th )...i have lost approximately 200 pounds and i feel great...i am really excited about this next step and i will keep you all updated with how the procedure goes... i am not much for the tech terms but i am having my "apron" removed,  my stomach muscles tightened and the MOOBS and surrounding areas taken care of as well.. my insurance company agreed to pay for the apron and we are going to resubmit the rest as it has begun to become irrittated and rashy..
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