
6 months post-op today..... 194 pounds GONE......

Chuck N.
on 9/14/07 12:14 am - Salt Lake City, UT
Happy Happy Day everyone....................     I'm floating right now - so, if you see a six foot ten guy floating around downtown Salt Lake City - don't worry - it's just me...................... I started this journey at 547 pounds back in March 2007, and today I weighed 353.    Six months post-op and I've lost 194 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!   So many things are different than they were six months ago, and I'm amazed DAILY the things I'm doing again.   I just turned 41 last week (happy birthday to me) and I'm happier and healthier now than i have been in years. Last night I went to the theatre (Broadway touring company of SPAMALOT - for those of you who like Monty Python and/or Musical Theatre - go see this... laughed my ass off).............  Anyway, i was with my sister who is an avid mountain biker/runner/yoga/gym person - yea, she's petite and FIT - so, we're walking back to the car after the show, and she says "slow down - i can't even keep up with you anymore."   It blew my mind.....   I've been WADDLING around behind people for so many years - trying to stay in the same time zone they are in without having a coronary - and, now my fitness buff sister is trying to stay up with me.....  It was great.   Granted, i am six foot ten, and when i'm at my goal weight, i do have a VERY long stride - but, it's been years since i've been skinny enough to walk around like that without sweating up a storm and feeling light headed. Anyway - i could ramble on and on, but i won't.    The benefits are countless, and one of my biggest problems now is finding something to do with all my energy (yea - how aweful... WAH WAH ya big cry baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!).   It's a problem i'm tackling head on...   Joining the SL County Sports Complex, and will get back to the cardio/swimming/weights - something i've enjoyed in the past, but haven't done in years........     Ok guys - thanks for all the support over the past 6 months (and prior to surgery), and to those of you contemplating surgery, or waiting for your surgery date - congratulations on doing something to change your life.  I was a very high risk surgery, and i was prepared to die on the table - but, I knew i'd be dead soon without the surgery - and my WLS has literally given me my life back. Everyone have a fantastic freaky Friday, and make the most of your day.   Let's look at what we have, and not focus on what we don't have - take life by the balls, and make it your own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chuck
on 9/14/07 12:36 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Kickin Butt and taking names.  Way to go there fella. You are doing an amazing job out there and I appreciate you sharing your FART with us. It is all pretty dang exciting ain't it?
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
Chuck N.
on 9/14/07 1:43 pm - Salt Lake City, UT
Thanks Joe - didn't expect to be feeling so good this quick.... But i'm enjoying every minute of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Chuck
on 9/14/07 12:50 am - Milford, CT

Congrats and thanks for letting us hear.  You could feel your happiness coming through the post.  Made my day. Brian

Chuck N.
on 9/14/07 1:45 pm - Salt Lake City, UT
You are VERY VERY welcome - it's called Giving Back, and i'm happy to do it.   Sometimes I think it's a bit grandious to "brag" and then I remember how important the "success" stories were to me before and immediately following my surgery.   I'm glad my emotions came through - i'm having an incredible time..... Chuck
on 9/14/07 1:04 am - Westerville, OH
I'm really happy to here about guy's like you....keep up the great work....good luck ole' bud. Dave

Chuck N.
on 9/14/07 1:48 pm - Salt Lake City, UT
Thanks Dave - I'm happy to share the details of this amazing journey....   And, WORKING is the key.....   Chuck
(deactivated member)
on 9/14/07 1:22 am - Houston, TX
DAMN!!!!!! You guys are dropping like a stone.....Rock on my utah brother!!!! work the ever living Crap out of that tool!!!! russ
Chuck N.
on 9/14/07 1:50 pm - Salt Lake City, UT
Oh - i'm working it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    I remember my initial orientation to WLS, and the surgeon talking about surgery as a tool - and i thought, "huh?  isn't this a fix all?"     I went in to that first class thinking surgery was the ONLY step - boy did i have a lot to learn....   Realizing it's a TOOL and that the rest was up to me, has actually been very Empowering!!!!!!!!!  And, the rewards are VERY sweet................... Chuck
on 9/14/07 2:04 am - AL
194 pounds in 6 months?  That's incredible.  I guess being 6'10" does good things for the basal metabolism.  With the new exercise routine, you'll be burning through to the 200s in no time.
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