Hey Guys? Got a second? Dave (colonel) surgery today!
Hey Guys,
Asking a favor! Dave Rigsby in Kentucky
Is just through his surgery today
To install his feeding tube in preparation for his
Chemo-Therapy for the next 7 weeks, and then on to long-term healing
For all of this coming Fall.
Here’s his Post- “How I’ll Win This Cancer Battle.”
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/men/a,messageboard/action, replies/board_id,5479/cat_id,5079/topic_id,3388141/ Having met Dave at the convention, I believe he will!
Some us remember Dave from the Lexington Convention as
”Colonel Sanders.”
(here with Dx & Charlie 'in disguise.')
or having a 'cool one' with Tim A-
Or Dancing with yet another Gal from the MainBoard--(Cathy A.)
(Here's Dave with some of the guys from the Men's Forum, Amy, Tooter, and there's Charlie Again..)
(here with Dx & Charlie 'in disguise.')

(Here's Dave with some of the guys from the Men's Forum, Amy, Tooter, and there's Charlie Again..)

If you have a chance, drop him a line of encouragement at-
http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/status.php? N=R1138386131
Thank All of You, so much, In Advance!
Prayers would be most appreciated.
You know how much this means to know others are out here
Pulling for you!
Best Wishes-