What were you doing on 9-11-01
I was at home just getting ready to walk out the door when the first one hi****ched till the second one hit and had to get to work. Heard about the one at the Pentgon and the one in Penn. over the internet. My daughter was going to school in Pittsburgh and called and said she wanted to come home. She just wanted to be with my wife and myself. To tell the truth I was glad she came home, I wasn't that worried for her safety as much as I just wanted her close. My son was in the army at the time and ened up going into Iraq with the 3rd ID. It did change my life. It made me think about my responsibility to be prepared to protect my family. I try to be much more aware of what is going on around me, not paranoid, just prepared. I know there was nothing that the people that died in the Towers or the Pentagon could have done, but there are bad guys around us every day. We are where home security starts. pan head

I was at work, in Atlanta. I always had AOL Instant Messenger running so that I could keep in touch with friends, employees and co-workers scattered around the country. I have a good friend named Alex that lives in NYC and works for Sony Entertainment - about two blocks from the World Trade Center. He sent me an IM and said that a plane had crashed into the WTC. He's a bit of a joker and you have to take some of what he says with a grain of salt, so I blew it off with a "Yeah, right Alex". Then, someone in my office said that they'd heard the same thing a few minutes earlier. I went to CNN.com, but the site was swamped and I couldn't get any news. One of the guys in the office ran around the corner to Wal-Mart and bought a TV and brought it back to the office and we all sat around the rest of the day, in utter horror, and watched the coverage. We saw both towers crumble on live TV. It was surreal. I'll never forget the anger, the despair and the helpless feeling of that day - but what really made an impact on me was the next morning. I am a bit of a morning person, an early riser. I tended to leave my house for work at about 6am (to beat the Atlanta traffic). That morning, GA 400 was completely empty and the traffic announcement signs all read "Atlanta Hartsfield Int'l Airport Closed Due To National Security Emergency". When I got closer in to town, all the flags, everywhere, were at half staff. From schools, to car dealerships to McDonald's. Seeing this bustling metropolis so still and quiet and mournful and seeing the flags at half mast in the early morning light really brought it home to me. I'm not afraid to admit that I had to fight back tears. Everyone was in a zombie like state for what seemed like weeks. I watched CNN and Fox News for hours every night. It's all anyone talked about. The images are forever burned into my memory.
It was 11:00 p.m. here. I had just gotten home from practicing music with some friends. Could barely sleep that night. Just unimaginable seeing one...then two skyscrapers pancake.
(If anyone's interested in the myths about the collapses being a "demo" job or any of the other myths. This debunking site is really interesting:
http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military_law/1227 842.html )
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!