Tour de Fat limps on

on 9/10/07 1:27 am - South of Boulder, CO
Had a great ride in yesteday's Buffalo Cycling Classic. Good news is I finished the 100 miler in  5 hours 49 minutes (17.1 mph). The less than good news is I didn't hit my 5 1/2 hour goal (18.2 mph).   I'm still satisfied with my performance since my frickin right arm felt like it was going to fall off 30 miles into the ride. I just about turned around and was going to head back to Boulder but decided to suck it up and try to finish.  They had a U. of Colorado orthorpedic physician tent at the finish line festival so I mosied over and it looks like I may have a dislocated  elbow rather than just a hyperextended one. Whatever it is, it hurt like crazy but didn't stop me from finishing.   What's the saying? Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger.   The Tour de Fat rolls on! Boner
on 9/10/07 2:10 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Maybe an updated name from Tour de Fat to Tour de flabby skin.  You can't be fat and ride that far in the amount of time Boner.  I got tired reading about it and with a dislocatetd elbow.  I'm sure thats another story in and of itself. Bravo on the bravery to finish and to start to begin with. Amazing,.......purely amazing.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
on 9/10/07 11:32 pm - South of Boulder, CO
Thanks for the kind words, Joe. I have designated my WL journey from 500 pounds as the Tour de Fat. It helps remind me of where I came from and why I never want to ever go back.  It's been such a thrilling ride (no pun intended) to regain my life through WLS, nutrition and, of course, cycling. My surgeon told me the one advantage from having weighed so much was I developed extremely strong legs thus cycling was a natural. Best of luck with your own personal journey. You've done great!! Boner
Ron .
on 9/10/07 2:12 am - DFW, TX
100 MILES? 17 mph? Yikes! I would have still been impressed if it had taken you a couple of days to finish. What a difference a couple of hundred pounds makes. Personally, I would have dropped dead after the first couple of miles.

Day of surgery weight  352
Current weight 250 
Total Lost 102
Height 6'3"
BMI 31

on 9/10/07 11:35 pm - South of Boulder, CO
Hey fellow Coloradian, Looks like you've done pretty darn well yourself, Ronnie. Congratulations and let's get together sometime for coffee. I ride up around Firestone every now and then. Keep up the good fight and welcome to Colorado.  Boner
Ron .
on 9/11/07 2:44 am - DFW, TX
Thanks Boner! So far, we are really enjoying living here in Colorado. Hopefully, the weather doesn't freeze us too bad this winter. We're ready for some real snow though. We never got any (snow) in Dallas. Coffee? Hey, now you're talking my language!  I'll private message my e-mail to you.  Ron
on 9/10/07 2:43 am - Jacksonville, FL
100 miles, huh. Im impressed. But for me if it dont have a motor it aint happening...LOL. 
on 9/10/07 11:36 pm - South of Boulder, CO
Motors don't count Jeff .  Boner
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 9/10/07 8:26 am - Japan

Loonng ride! And fast too! Hope that elbow gets better. I think you've found your Nietche (sp?). (ooh, bad!)


on 9/10/07 11:40 pm - South of Boulder, CO

Thanks, Dave. The elbow is getting better so now I'm off to bigger and better things hopefully. I haven't been able to lift or exercise (other than cycling) since the fall so I'm really looking forward to getting back to working the core. I really miss my daily dose of pushups, crunches, etc.  Boner

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