Day of surgery weight 352
Current weight 250
Total Lost 102
Height 6'3"
BMI 31

Yep. I remember times early on
When I was regularly crapping Granite Tombstones!
There were times when I considered Drilling & Dynamite.
At the least, I wondered about a long teaspoon
Or one of my least favorite fingers.
Once it’s gone solid, there’s only Stool Softeners
Like Dulcolax®, Colace®, and the like,
Or The Mother of them all- MOM- Milk of Magnesia.
If it has gotten to critical stage-
There’s the Fleet® Enema.
But when it comes to Constipation,
An ounce of Prevention, Really is Worth a Pound of Cure.
With the reduced amount of food in the pipes,
The large intestine has less traffic to push stuff on through
And since the large intestine removes water from the waste material
The slower it travels trough, the drier it becomes.
Fiber is your friend in keeping stuff moving.
My Doc recommends increasing overall water intake as well
Which just makes sense.
The more water in the overall system, the more remaining
Even when the large intestine has taken out all it can.
“An Apple a Day” is a great one, so are most all crispy Veggies.
If Oats aren’t good for you, then maybe more salad stuff
Like celery, carrots, raw veggies in general?
Be selective though. Broccoli, Cauliflower, and other
High-Insoluble Fiber foods such as Cabbage, can cause major gas
And act more like “Colon-Blow!” Resulting in more output than
One might think of as “
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
7/15/07 - 225 pounds