One day at a time
I thank God for His prensence and for modern medicine. I need the medicine to keep me calm on a daily basis since I'm bi-polar and I needed my faith this weekend because my wife was in an auto accident. Thank God, she wasn't hurt. I can't say the same for her car. She got grazed by a Light Rail commuter train just as she was about to make a left turn accross the tracks. She didn't see it coming because her mirror was angled away from the tracks, but when the train belatedly rang it's bells, my wife steered her car away from the track. If she hadn't, she might have been killed. A car usually doesn't stand much of a chance against a train even if it is going slowly.
The transit police gave my wife 2 traffic citations: one for wreckless driving and one for failing to obey a traffic signal. The local police told her she might be able to beat the second one in court because they've seen other accidents with this weird signal. It's not a red signal nor any variant of a "no left turn" signal. Rather, it's a box with a black background and several white lines in it. We've lived in the area for 27 years and have never seen anything like it. But, Light Rail begain running about 3 years ago and they use existing freight tracks during the day. In the town my wife was in, the train runs right down the middle of the main st.
She probably won't fight it because she can't afford to miss work and she fears she'll only end up having to pay court costs.
As to One Dat At a Time, her car is a 2001 Mazada Protege with 130,000 miles and is worth between $4,000 and $5,000 according to Kelly Blue Book. So, we're waiting to see if the insurance will fix it or call it totalled. We're hoping for the repair. But, we were hoping to replace the car in 1-2 years. So, either way, we'll fare ok.
Your faith was surely tested this weekend. Sounds like your wife and you are extremely lucky as well as blessed.
Your car may not be so lucky, but it is only metal and compared to your wife's priceless life the car is insignificant.
All you can do is praise God and thank him forever for sparing your wife's life.
Just focus on the positive outcome of this situation eventhough you may feel a little extra financial strain of needing to get another car.
God Bless,