Monday Coffee Talk
Good Monday morning everyone! It's Monday. All day long. Make it a good one!
Our challenge today is to be teachable. Being teachable at any age let's you gain wisdom and insight and also makes you aware of things you never would have known. If we are not teachable, we'll end up putting ourselves in situations we may not want to be in. Being teachable is a good thing. ALWAYS! So don't be a know it all. Let yourself be teachable. Listen. You'll be glad you did!
So, who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? It's Harry & David's leftovers. The mix of several leftovers from bags that couldn't make a pot. Guess what? They are awesome together! Coffee surprise! Go figure! HEHEHE
Ya'll have a wonderful Monday and remember! Be teachable! Speaking of which, I better go get some studying done. I have a test next week on a book and 6 lessons. It's been a long time since I've had a test!