Medic Alert Bracelet
I wear one that states 'Lapband Patient - No NG Tube'. The key is to mention 'No NG Tube'. A NG tube is a Nasogastric tube which is a medical process involving the insertion of a plastic tube through the nose, through the throat and finally down into the stomach in the event that you arrive to health care in an unconscious condition for the purpose of feeding your body nutrition while they figure out what is wrong with you... with a WLS patient your 'insides' have been modified in one form or another so they could do serious damage if they do not know what modifications have been made. In my case, I have a Laparoscopic Band around my esophagus that reduces the aperture (opening) into the top of my stomach. If they would attempt to 'Intubate' me for feeding purposes, there is a high probability that they would perforate (Poke a hole in) my esophagus. I hope this helps you with your decision by giving you the information on why it is important.. For the record, I ordered a Medic Aler****ch off of eBay that was less than $60.00 including engraving and shipping. I started out with a bracelet, but really did not like wearing a watch AND a bracelet, so I condensed it down to just a watch that performs both duties... I have since then been in a situation where I was picked up by an ambulance and one of the first things the attendant did was pull my watch off and read the inscription. I was awake so then the attendant asked question concerning my condition. In other words, it does work.

Being a loser is the greatest victory you will ever know!