Can you be too picky to have WLS?
So, I got a few of my protien samples. Lets see, how can I put this......
How can anyone drink this stuff? I shook it like a polaroid picture and it still had little chunks in it. Granted I have only tried a couple so far, but I am starting to panic a little bit. You see I dont have exactly the best eating habits in the world. I eat very few vegies, because again, they make me want to barf. I am allergic to most of the fruit I like, and most anyone would say that over all I am a meat and potatoes kind of guy.
Seriously, is this a big red flag, am I doomed to fail if I go through with my RNY? Should the criteria for WLS be, you have to stomach some pretty aweful stuff?
Getting close to show time now. Should be talking to doc to set up surgery date by the end of this month. Hope to have surgery in October.
Thanks for any replies and I would really like to hear from anyone else that may be a picky eater as well.
I had a different surgery then what I say may or may not be relevant.
I could not drink whey protein shakes...they made me extremely gassy preop ...even the lactose free whey made me gassy.....the first time I sampled one preop...I thought I was having a heart attack because the gas pain was so bad.
I eventually had to settle with soy shakes.
The first few months after surgery, all my eating revolved around getting in enough protein, there was no room for veggies or too many carbs. But by 6 months, I could eat anything...and trust me I did...and do.....
I don't think your doomed to fail, but you might have to get use to different things.
Hey Troy, have you tried UNJURY medical protein? I found out about it thru my suregons office. They have a website I think its They have a chocolate one that is like chocolate milk if u can drink milk. I am 4 months post opt and I still drink the GNC 100% Whey Protein or even those protein bullets where it is like 40 grams of protein in 3.5 ounces. But if Whey makes u gag than maybe try unjury. They have a sample pack you can buy for like 10 bucks or something and its like 3 of each of their flavors. They even have an unflavored on u can mix in like soups and things. 20 grams per serving. Hope this helps...!!! And congrats on the upcoming surgery. Welcome to the losers bench................

While I have to agree that most of the whey protien drinks I tried were disgusting. I had some Unjury in the hospital and it was drinkable. I found the Vanilla a bit too sweet after surgery, but the chocolate is pretty good. While I still "forget" to drink my protein far too often, the Unjury still is the best to me.
NOTE: Tastes vary, even more after surgery. try the sample pack and see what you think.
I'm 13 months out and have never drank protein shakes. I didn't like them before surgery, and liked them even less after. It's difficult to easily maintain protein for the first couple of months after surgery, but after that it gets easier. You will just have to watch what you eat. I ate/eat alot of grilled chicken, deli turkey, cheese, cottage cheese, steak, and other high protein foods. I'm supposed to get 100 grams protein per day and exceed that most days.
Have you tried Atkins shakes in a can. I can actually stomach the choclate delight, and the vanilla. Each 12 oz can has 15 grams of protein, and only 1 carb. They cost 5 bucks for a 4 pack. Just a thought.
Day of surgery weight 352
Current weight 250
Total Lost 102
Height 6'3"
BMI 31
The best thing to help with the protien shakes is the better they get blended the better they taste to me so we tried mixing using a spoon first and tried shaking second and I could not stand them but after we bought a small bullet blender and mix them for at least one full minuet I could tolerate them!!
I was a meat and potatoes guy too. Still am but the meat is like Wendy's chili and the potatoes, baked with no butter or sour cream, maybe with broccoli and cheese.
1. your tastes will be different after RNY surgery.
2. a blender mixes much better but be careful because whipping created fluff that ais almost as bad as not mixed well. Putting in ice and not beating it too death hels keep the fluff minimized.
3. Whey protein mixes better and is better for you than vegatable or soy.
4. You can mix the protein in yogourt and SF pudding, brtoh, or a variety of other things besides drinks.
5. The liquid protein vials will help you get your dosage medically without much concern about flavor.
6. You won't have physical hunger after RNY. You may have head numger to deal with.
7. Water is your best friend.
8. you will feel so much better after about the first 6-8 weeks and be so motivated about the weight loss and improved health, the other stuff will be or become secondary.
It is a valid concern but not a how stopper. I stocked up on stuff before RNY and then never used it because my tastes were different and I became totally lactose intolerant. The first two weeks were trying to find something that worked instead of what I had prepared for. I tried a bunch of stuff and by the time I got a routine, the food limits changed to the next phase; liquids to soft,...then soft to intro meats, then whatever, just use the new wisdom I was suppose to have learned.
Your body will tell you what works and what doesn't and you will be able to hear it better.
The liquid and soft food phases post-op are like food detox, body healing and relearning to digest food period, and time for us to relearn what and how to eat. It is a truly enlightening journey.