Hospital FART
At your age I hope you are having your ‘ganglion tubes tied’ after this one!
It’s expected to continue a relationship with your hand
Well into your "Golden Years,"
But do so responsibly and use protection.
Think how old you’ll be when that cyst gets out of college.
Glad to hear it was a totally different experience than the original WLS
Trip through the halls to OR.
Best Wishes-
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
My own little "ganglion" is a peanut sized one on my left wrist...and my own Dr said "fergedaboutit" as they're usually no troubles and break up on their own!
But that's my left hand (and I'm right handed) so I understand maybe why you might wanna toast that one on your right many many girls and such little time....