Optimum Nutrition Product...

(deactivated member)
on 9/4/07 9:44 pm - Leesburg, VA
VSG on 05/03/11 with

I don't know if you guys know this but you can call companies for samples.  I called ON for samples of their ANYWHEY.  They didn't have samples (usually because its been in the market for some time) of this but sent me other samples.  One of which I really liked, here are the details of that product: Pro Complex - Agumented Protien System Rich Milk Chocolate Calories 270 Cal from Fat 10 Total Fat 1g Sat Fat .5g Trans Fat 0 Cholesterol 20mg Sodium 250mg Total Carb 5g Dietary Fiber 2g Sugars 1g Protien 60g

Mix with 12 oz water, I drank half the pouch last night just to try it and to my surprise it was pretty good.  I just wonder if it was good because of the 1g of sugar.  Is that a concern?  1g os sugar.  I know we need to be careful of sugars but is 1g too much?  Just wondering.   It tasted good and I would use this product again. The other sample they gave me wasn't great but tolerable.  It was one of their new 100 Whey products, I think it was called 100% Whey Gold, and it contained 3g of sugar.  So more sugar but it tasted not so good.  I chocked it down but the tase was less than desireable. Hope this helps some of you guys. Jack

Dx E
on 9/4/07 9:57 pm - Northern, MS

Jack, 1gm Sugar is great. The nutrition spread on that sounds very good. For a complete list of protein powder samples And the "taste-test-cost-comparisons," Checkout- Ardbeg’s sample-a-thon

Do be careful about "stocking up" on any That you like Prior to surgery. I know it sounds weird, but many folks Find that their tastes literally change with surgery And stuff that was great before, tastes like crap afterwards. Not always and not with everything, But enough to hold off just in order to ‘play it safe.’ Best Wishes- Dx

(deactivated member)
on 9/4/07 10:08 pm - Leesburg, VA
VSG on 05/03/11 with
I've seen Ardbeg’s sample-a-thon and condiser it a wealth of information. Good to know about not stocking up.  I'm not doing that but just trying to find a list of things I will need for my post-op.  Also just trying to sample some products to see what they are like since it's been years since I took and powder protien products. Thanks. Jack
on 9/5/07 12:18 am - Willingboro, NJ
I know that we've had past discussions on this site as to how much protein your body can process at one meal.  An old timer told me the max was about 26g but others have posted here that the body can absorb more.  But, the old timer also said it's simply more economical to take a high protein powder and water it down( or measure out 2-3 portions).  For example, many protein powders cite a protein content and list one serving as being 2 scoops.  You can easily see that you can get 1/2 of the listed contents with 1 scoop.  For products that only require 1 scoop, you can see how many ounces (by weight, a dry measure) are in 1 scoop and divide the scoop accordingly. As per taste, many support groups sell products by Syntrax.  They have many fruit flavors under one name and chocolate and vanilla under another.  However, if you go online and look to purchase them, just list Syntrax as the manufacturer.  An advantage for their powders is that they can be mixed with a spoon.  That's a definite advantage for anyone who works and wants a protein product;  just ge****er, add the protein powder, and stir.
on 9/5/07 12:28 am - Baton Rouge, LA
Oh, BTW if you want to try a bunch of different samples go to vitalady.com. I got a bunch of samples of different protein powders from there. I never found one I liked but at least you can try them before forking over $20 - $50 per jug of the stuff.
on 9/5/07 1:03 am - Colonial Heights, VA
You gotta be careful there Jack.  You are going to break out in health soon. One thing you can safely stock up on,...actually two things:   1. Bottled water   2. A good pair of walking/jogging shoes I also eat a fair amount of ice as I wanted something cold and after two days of SF popsicles, they tasted like chemicals on a stick. You may want a pair that are easy to get on and off to take to the hospital for the walking you will do there.  The nurse told me to bring a pair.  I thought she was just being cute but alas, she was serious.  I did 70 laps around the ICU nurses station within 12 hrs of the surgery and walked for 20-30 periods after going to the regular floor.  It does help you feel better and gets the gasses moving in the lower tract required to go home.  It helps with the pain management too. You'll want a more serious pair for after you get home and with in the first week, you'll appreciate having them. Glad you're having a good time with the pre-op experimenting.  
Rob S.
on 9/5/07 2:44 am - DE

May not want to invest too much money in jogging shoes initially.  One undocumented kudo of weight loss is that you may actually lose a half to full shoe size, as your feet shrink.   Having said that you really want to make sure that you have good walking shoes, and later maybe running shoes.  Your knees will thank you every day. Rob 

Doug Such
on 9/5/07 9:48 am - Northern, CA
Hey Jack, I'm a Pro Complex fan. It's good, high-quality protein with some amino acids that it make it easily digested. It's great blended with crushed ice. On days I lift weights, I add a scoop to a can of Lo Carb SlimFast and blend them together with ice. Makes an excellent breakfast (add a 1/3 of a banana or tsp of peanut butter for a treat, if you can handle the calories . . .) Glad you found this product and posted about it.


If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester

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