Wednesday coffee talk
Good morning! Hope you had a good nights sleep. I'm awake early this morning. Just couldn't sleep. Woke up at 2:50 so here I am. I think I'll get some reading done.
Our challenge today is to realize that we have potential inside us that we need to unleash. This potential is awesome! This potential is more than we can realize. This potential is so powerful that when unlocked, it will blow your mind. Will you unlea**** Will you seek this potential? The choice is ours. I'm unleashing my potential and going for the gold! How 'bout you?
I'm sipping on some awesome Harry & David Dark Chocolate this morning. It's pretty good. What are you sipping today?
I hope you have a wonderful and potential full Wednesday!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

Good morning, Men.
Today I have started my day in a new way and Randall's challenge is so fitting for me!
For the first six months of my new life, exercise was worked in to my day when convenient if at all. A few days ago, I committed myself to starting each day with exercise and I decided to start that on my 7 month anniversary. That was today. I set the alarm thirty minutes early, got up and dressed and strecthed and hit the pavement. Knowing that I had to be at work as usual, I had decided to keep my walk a "short one" today and only do a mile. When I hit my turn-around point I glanced at my watch and realized that I was doing well on time so I decided to take it a little further. When all was said and done, I got back to the house 28 minutes after starting out and I had walked TWO miles.
Now some of you super fit dudes can probably burn that out in a lot less time, but when I first started walking right after surgery, it took me about 30 minutes to walk a half mile. Today I went four times that distance in the same amount of time!!! Talk about a new milestone (pun intended)!!
I got back and wanted to post about this and saw the coffee talk was already up so I read it. Thanks so much, Randall!
My accomplishment this morning has renewed my own awareness of potential and has sparked a renewed desire to achieve the potential that is within me.
While my coffee brews up, I'm gonna go hit the shower. Here's looking forward to a great Wednesday and a great long off! (In my job, today is the end of my tour of duty and I will be soaking up 5 days off starting in the morning. I can't wait!)
Being a loser is the greatest victory you will ever know!
Being a loser is the greatest victory you will ever know!

When I get up in the morning, I have an Advantage protein bar and a banana and then I start taking my meds and vitamins. I also take extra stength Tylenol for joint pain. I finally realized that, on most days, I take 27 pills. On Sat, I take 1 more. I take most of them in the morning, a couple in the afternoon, and about 6 at night.
My exercising has been put on hold due to wounds (open skin) on both feet. I do aquatic exercises and NJ state law forbids entry into a public pool with any skin opening. I just think it makes sense. I tried doing the circuit on Strive For Success weight machines at the YMCA, but that just seems like work. I hope to get back in the pool soon.