Privacy Concerns
I went to look at your profile, but it's no longer viewable on OH for privacy reasons.
As to your concerns regarding Google, chances are fairly good that people will have a more difficult time accessing info on you as time passes. I used my actual name when I first joined OA in 07/2007. I didn't care if other people read about me, but my brother did object to any mention of him ( not by name, but simply as my brother). I'd post that I'm bi-polar and he suffers from depression. As a professor at a major university, he didn't want that to be common knowledge. I was able to change my profile years ago and even if I Google my own name, I can't find records about me now. That's because there are hundreds of more entries with my name on Google now.
I never tried to Google an e-mail address. I don't think I'll try it in the future.
Going back and replying to this thread was the only way I could get back to you. So, hopefully, your problem is being solved.