An Introduction to ME!
I know what you mean. Just started low carb last week (under 20 grams). That would be really hard to stay on. The 40 grams I'm on now (+carboload) seems like a picnic by comparison. Low carb is at least as hard to stay on as other diets. I'm hoping the fact that the Natural Hormonal Enhancement diet (Faigin) with it's unlimited carbo loading rotated every third and fourth evenings, will enable me to stay on it. Just a moment ago, was sitting here marveling how, in spite of 8 100 meter sprints followed by 12 sets of weights (8 reps to failure), that I'm not craving food.
Are you doing any HIIT?
Hey D Becker!
Long time no see!
Good to see you dropping by here.
(for those who haven’t gotten to know Dave,
he’s a major supporter of others who’ve headed down the road of WLS
and one of the driving forces of the Virginia Board
[as well as the SxB4&aft WLS Board])
Hope the Jan. 18th-20th Winter Conference in Richmond,
Goes off with the typical class and style of the other events
you folks have pulled off up there!
Shame that moderators pulled the announcement of details.
(for any in the Virginia area,
the Winter Conferences are in the "Don’t Miss" category.
Dave and Tink throw quiet the Party.
I’m sure a pm request for details would get you all the info.)
Don’t be a Stranger Dave!
Best Wishes-
-(old Dx Face)
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable