Need help before the surgery
After the first week I was way on track with 10 pounds down. Well, I think there is a little guy inside of me trying to sabotage me because I'm still at the same more than a month later (Yes, I know that I'm the one to blame)...
I need some advices... I'm at the gym in the morning and I'm doing 1 hour on the elliptical machine. I have reduced my food intake replacing a few meals with protein shakes. Fruits & veggies portions are also part of my meal plan (not cheating....).
I need to do more... but I'm not sure where to start... I know that if I would do weights, it would help me burn fat but I'm not sure if I'll be able to drop more but doing cardio only or by mixing it with some weight training.
Suggestions ??

Day of surgery weight 352
Current weight 250
Total Lost 102
Height 6'3"
BMI 31
on 9/3/07 11:27 am - Houston, TX
Sig, Thank heavens my Cardiologist didn’t make me "Earn" the new Heart Valve. Maybe your doc is just "couching it" in those terms To encompass both – 1.) a check to see that you are in fact a ‘compliant’ patient, And – 2.) to help shrink your liver prior to surgery. Both are very valuable things To have done before surgery. When I was "pre-op" the easiest way for me to drop weight For short terms was low carb. It allowed me to eat larger quantities of filling foods And still drop the pounds. If you keep you total carb intake below 20gms a day You can’t help but lose. It throws your metabolism into a state of Ketosis. Extra, extra water while doing that. Also extra fiber from crisp, low (or No) Carb veggies. The Low-Carb Diet tends to bring on Killer constipation if there’s not enough fiber in the diet. Hope all works out for you. Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
Being a loser is the greatest victory you will ever know!

Take A walk. Exercise doesn't have to be overly strenous. At the end of the day talk a 1 or 2 mile walk just to keep your heart pumping. Don't let the end of the day go buy without soing something. You are doing good but add a little something like a walk at the end of the day to keep the weight loss going and also drink tons of water. Good Luck. I'm still waiting to hear back from my Dr on insurance issues but hope to be where you are by October and hope to have the surgury in November.
I will focus on getting the carbs numbers bellow 20g/day and staying active enough to create some calory deficits.
The Slim Fast High protein shakes aren't available in Canada so I got a different kind that doesn't have carbs...But milk does... I guess I'll have to change to soy milk or to dilute it with water because a cup of milk is around 11g of carbs,
I will keep you posted on my progress!